Metode penelitian potensi energi arus yang diterapkan adalah pengukuran arus, pengamatan pasang surut, pengamatan parameter meteorologi dan kondisi morfologi pesisir dan dasar laut daerah penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lokasi penempatan turbin arus laut cukup memenuhi syarat dengan morfologi relatif landai pada kedalaman ± 20 meter dan dekat dari pemukiman penduduk. Kecepatan arus rata-rata di perairan Toyapakeh mencapai kecepatan 2,5 – 3,0 m/detik dengan durasi 9 – 18 jam/hari untuk kecepatan diatas 0,5 m/detik. Dengan demikian, perairan di Toyapakeh merupakan lokasi yang cukup potensial untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber energi baru terbarukan, khususnya pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Arus Laut (PLTAL).
Kata Kunci : energi arus laut, turbin arus laut, energi baru terbarukan, Selat Toyapakeh
The methods of current energy potential study are current measurements, tidal and meteorological parameter observations, condition of coastal morphology and seafloor of the study area. The results show that, the location for turbine position is in area with relatively gentle slope morphology at a 20 meters water depth and it is close to local community. Based on the analysis of flow water conditions at Toyapakeh Strait, the average current velocity is about 2,5m/s to 3,0 m/s and within 24 hours, the flow velocity is greater than 0.5 m/s occurs for approximately 9 to 18 hours. Therefore, the results of the ocean current energy analysis indicate that the study area is very potential for using reneawable energy resource as a power plant location.
Keywords: ocean currents energy, Sea Current Turbin, renewable energy, Toyapakeh Strait.
Kata Kunci : energi arus laut, turbin arus laut, energi baru terbarukan, Selat Toyapakeh
The methods of current energy potential study are current measurements, tidal and meteorological parameter observations, condition of coastal morphology and seafloor of the study area. The results show that, the location for turbine position is in area with relatively gentle slope morphology at a 20 meters water depth and it is close to local community. Based on the analysis of flow water conditions at Toyapakeh Strait, the average current velocity is about 2,5m/s to 3,0 m/s and within 24 hours, the flow velocity is greater than 0.5 m/s occurs for approximately 9 to 18 hours. Therefore, the results of the ocean current energy analysis indicate that the study area is very potential for using reneawable energy resource as a power plant location.
Keywords: ocean currents energy, Sea Current Turbin, renewable energy, Toyapakeh Strait.
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