Erosi dan akresi telah menjadi masalah utama di perairan Kecamatan Brebes. Perubahan pesisir yang sangat dinamis dipicu oleh faktor hidro-oseanografi yang mengendalikan mekanisme transpor sedimen yang terjadi baik di muara maupun diwilayah pantai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat rata-rata laju sedimentasi dan transpor sedimen yang terjadi di kawasan pantai Kecamatan Brebes. Pengambilan data laju sedimentasi menggunakan sediment trap yang kemudian dianalisis secara statistik. Perhitungan total transportasi sedimen dan distribusi vertikal suspensi sedimen dilakukan dengan pendekatan model numerik. Nilai laju sedimentasi berkisar antara 0,243 – 22,724 g.m-2.hari-1 dimana laju tertinggi berada di hulu sungai Pemali, Sungai Pemuda dan hilir sungai Pemali. Nilai sortasi sedimen menunjukkan nilai 1,1 – 1,59 (pemilahan buruk). Nilai skewness (Ski) berkisar antara 0,21 – 0,46 (dominan menceng sangat halus). Nilai kurtosis berkisar antara 1,79 – 4,45 (sangat runcing). Total transportasi sedimen sebesar 43,88 x 10-5 m3/s dan distribusi vertikal konsentrasi sedimen tersuspensi berkisar antara 1-176 mg/L (pasang) dan 3-198 mg/L (surut) dimana transpor sedimen sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi oseanografi (gelombang, pasang surut, dan arus sepanjang pantai). Pada saat tinggi gelombang pecah meningkat maka transpor sedimen yang terjadi juga semakin intens termasuk mekanisme erosi dan sedimentasi yang terjadi di dasar perairan.
Kata kunci: Laju sedimentasi, model numerik, transpor sedimen, perairan Brebes
Erosion and accretion has become the main issues in Brebes Sub-District waters. Coastal changes which are very dynamic are triggered by hydro-oceanography factors controlling sediment transport mechanism occurred both in the estuary and coastal area. This study aims to determine the average of sedimentation rate and the sediment transport depiction in Brebes Sub-District coast. Sedimentation rate data collection was done using cylinder sediment trap which was then analyzed statistically. Total transport sediment and suspended sediment vertical distribution were calculated employing numerical model approach. The value of sedimentation rate ranged from 0.243 – 22.724 in which the highest value was observed upstream Pemali River, Pemuda River, and downstream Pemali River. Sediment sortation ranged from 1.1 – 1.59 (poorly sorted). Skewness (Ski) value ranged from 0.21 – 0.46 (very fine skewed). Kurtosis value ranged from 1.79 – 4.45 (very leptokurtic). Total sediment transport reached 43.88 x 10-5 m3/s and vertical distribution of suspended sediment ranged from 1-176 mg/L (flood) and 3-198 mg/L (ebb) respectively wherein the sediment transport is strongly controlled by the oceanography conditions (waves, tidal, and longshore current). When the breaking wave crest enhanced, the sediment transport occurs intensely including erosion and sedimentation in the bottom of water.
Keywords: Sedimentation rate, numerical model, sediment transport, Brebes waters
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