Makalah ini membahas aplikasi konsep Kriging pada data simulasi gangguan geomagnet lokal dari 3 (tiga) stasion geomagnet (SG). Konsep ini asal mulanya dari geostatistik dan sekarang digunakan secara luas dalam analisis spasial. Metode ini juga dikenal sebagai regresi proses Gauss, prediksi Kolmogorov-Wiener atau prediksi ketakbiasan linier terbaik. Tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk melakukan estimasi atau interpolasi gangguan geomagnet di sekitar tiga stasion geomagnet (lokasi observasi) tersebut. Untuk merealisasikan tujuan di atas ini mengunakan metode punctual kriging. Kontribusi hasil estimasi atau interpolasi gangguan geomagnet ini nantinya digunakan sebagai dasar pembuatan peta atau kontur gangguan geomagnet di sekitar ketiga lokasi observasi tersebut. Dengan demikian informasi gangguan geomagnet akan berguna dalam survei geologi di sekitar lokasi pengamatan.
Kata kunci : Konsep kriging, data simulasi, gangguan geomagnet lokal
This paper discuss about the application of Kriging concept on simulation data of local geomagnetic disturbance at three geomagnet stations (SG). This concept was derived from geostatistic and now it is widely used in spatial analysis. This method is also well known as Gaussian process regression, Kolmogorov-Wiener prediction or Best Linear Unbiased Prediction. The aim of this paper is to estimate or interpolate the geomagnetic disturbances at three observation locations. In order to realize the above purpose, it uses punctual kriging method. The contribution of estimation result of this geomagnetic disturbances will be used as a basic for contour mapping of geomagnetic disturbance around these three observation locations. Hence, the information of these geomagnetic disturbances will be useful for geological survey around observation locations.
Keywords: Kriging concept, simulation data, local geomagnetic disturbance
Kata kunci : Konsep kriging, data simulasi, gangguan geomagnet lokal
This paper discuss about the application of Kriging concept on simulation data of local geomagnetic disturbance at three geomagnet stations (SG). This concept was derived from geostatistic and now it is widely used in spatial analysis. This method is also well known as Gaussian process regression, Kolmogorov-Wiener prediction or Best Linear Unbiased Prediction. The aim of this paper is to estimate or interpolate the geomagnetic disturbances at three observation locations. In order to realize the above purpose, it uses punctual kriging method. The contribution of estimation result of this geomagnetic disturbances will be used as a basic for contour mapping of geomagnetic disturbance around these three observation locations. Hence, the information of these geomagnetic disturbances will be useful for geological survey around observation locations.
Keywords: Kriging concept, simulation data, local geomagnetic disturbance
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32693/jgk.12.3.2014.255
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