Pengeplotan data unsur kimia pada diagram SiO2 vs K2O untuk sampel sedimen dasar laut cenderung terjadi kenaikan SiO2 dan penurunan K2O, sehingga arah evolusi berkembang dari kalk-alkalin sedang ke kalk-alkalin rendah (toleitik). Pada sampel batuan beku dan sedimen hasil pemboran memperlihatkan pola evolusi magma sebaliknya, terjadi kenaikan SiO2 dan K2O dalam seri magma yang sama (toleitik). Kondisi ini diperkuat oleh diagram segitiga AFM (A = Na2O+K2O; F = FeOtotal ; M = MgO) yang menunjukkan sebagian besar sampel yang diplot berada antara toleitik dan kalk-alkalin sedang. Hasil ini memberi kesimpulan bahwa batuan ini bersifat transisi antara toleitik dan kalk-alkalin sedang, dan condong ke arah seri toleitik sebagai indikasi batuan berasal dari daerah samudera. Berdasarlan pengeplotan pada diagram segitiga TiO2 – 10MnO – P2O5, lingkungan tektonik batuan beku di pantai Cibobos, sedimen dasar laut dan sedimen pemboran pada umumnya berada pada lingkungan tektonik andesit kepulauan samudera dan sebagian busur benua. Hasil tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sedimen di daerah Bayah berhubungan dengan seri magma dengan afinitas rendah mulai toleitik hingga kalk-alkalin sedang dan batuan samudera yang menyusup ke busur kepulauan atau busur benua. Hasil ini dapat mengetahui lingkungan dan evolusi batuan sumber sehingga diharapkan bermanfaat dalam kegiatan ekplorasi sumber daya mineral dan energi di masa mendatang.
Kata kunci: unsur kimia utama, lingkungan tektonik, evolusi, kerak samudera dan kontinen, perairan Bayah
Plotting of major elements data of the seafloor sediment samples on diagram of SiO2 vs K2O tends to increase the SiO2 and decrease the K2O, therefore the direction of evolution develop from medium to low calc-alkaline (tholeitic). From igneous rocks and drilling sediment samples shows that the evolution magma has the opposite pattern, increasing of SiO2 and K2O in the same magma series ( tholeitic). This condition is confirmed by the triangular diagram of AFM (A = Na2O+K2O; F = FeOtotal ; M = MgO) that shows the most of plotted samples are between medium calc-alkaline and tholeitic. This result give a conclusion that these rocks are at transitional area between tholeitic and medium calc-alkaline, and tend towards tholeitic series as an indication of rocks from oceanic zone. Based on plotting on the triangular diagram of TiO2 - 10MnO - P2O5, tectonic environment of igneous rocks in the coast of Cibobos, surface and drilling sediment samples, in general these samples are in the tectonic environment of oceanic islands andesite and partial of continental arc. From this study, it can be concluded that the sediment in the Bayah area is associated with affinity magma series from low kalk-alkaline (tholeitic) to medium calc-alkaline, and oceanic crust is being subducting to continental arc. This result could recognize the environment and the evolution of source rocks, therefore it may useful in the exploration activities of mineral and energy resources in the future.
Keywords: major elements, tectonic environment, evolution, continental and oceanic crust, Bayah waters.
Kata kunci: unsur kimia utama, lingkungan tektonik, evolusi, kerak samudera dan kontinen, perairan Bayah
Plotting of major elements data of the seafloor sediment samples on diagram of SiO2 vs K2O tends to increase the SiO2 and decrease the K2O, therefore the direction of evolution develop from medium to low calc-alkaline (tholeitic). From igneous rocks and drilling sediment samples shows that the evolution magma has the opposite pattern, increasing of SiO2 and K2O in the same magma series ( tholeitic). This condition is confirmed by the triangular diagram of AFM (A = Na2O+K2O; F = FeOtotal ; M = MgO) that shows the most of plotted samples are between medium calc-alkaline and tholeitic. This result give a conclusion that these rocks are at transitional area between tholeitic and medium calc-alkaline, and tend towards tholeitic series as an indication of rocks from oceanic zone. Based on plotting on the triangular diagram of TiO2 - 10MnO - P2O5, tectonic environment of igneous rocks in the coast of Cibobos, surface and drilling sediment samples, in general these samples are in the tectonic environment of oceanic islands andesite and partial of continental arc. From this study, it can be concluded that the sediment in the Bayah area is associated with affinity magma series from low kalk-alkaline (tholeitic) to medium calc-alkaline, and oceanic crust is being subducting to continental arc. This result could recognize the environment and the evolution of source rocks, therefore it may useful in the exploration activities of mineral and energy resources in the future.
Keywords: major elements, tectonic environment, evolution, continental and oceanic crust, Bayah waters.
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