Anomali Bouguer Pulau Laut, Pulau Sebuku, dan Selat Sebuku dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua wilayah anomali meliputi anomali berpola melingkar dengan kisaran nilai dari 40 hingga 64 mGal, dan anomali berpola lurus dengan kisaran nilai 40 hingga 50 mGal. Anomali magnet di daerah ini bervariasi dari -700 hingga 1600 nT, membentuk pola tinggian dan rendahan. Anomali Bouguer berpola melingkar dengan kisaran nilai 45-64 mGal mencerminkan batuan ultrabasa yang relatif mendekati permukaan. Batuan ultrabasa yang tersingkap di permukaan dicirikan oleh anomali magnet tinggi. Anomali Bouguer berpola kontur lurus sejajar menunjukkan sesar naik maupun sesar turun yang terdapat di daerah tersebut. Sesar naik yang berkembang di daerah penelitian umumnya terdapat di Pegunungan Meratus yang mempunyai mendala geologi sama. Anomali Bouguer dan anomali magnet rendah mencerminkan cekungan sedimen. yang diakibatkan oleh adanya gaya tarikan yang pernah ada. Batuan terobosan yang dijumpai, diduga terbentuk bersamaan dengan periode gaya tarikan ini. Serangkaian proses tektonik yang hasilnya terekam pada anomali Bouguer, anomali magnet, dan singkapan batuan memberi implikasi kemungkinan terdapatnya sumber daya energi dan mineral di daerah penelitian. Mineralisasi logam diperkirakan dapat dijumpai di sekitar daerah terobosan. Bijih besi, nikel, dan kromit kemungkinan terdapat di daerah ultra-mafik, sedangkan batubara di daerah cekungan sedimen.
Kata kunci : Anomali Bouguer, anomali magnet, sumber daya energi dan mineral, sesar naik dan sesar turun.
Bouguer anomaly of the Laut Island, Sebuku Island, and The Sebuku Strait can be grouped into two anomaly groups covering the circular pattern anomaly with range from 40 to 64 mGals, and the straight pattern with range of values from 40 to 50 mGals. The range of magnetic anomalies in the study area area from -700 to 1600 nT, forming high and low anomay patterns. The circular pattern of the Bouguer anomalies with range from 45 to 64 mGals reflects that the ultramafic rocks relatively close to the surface, while exposed ultrabasic rocks are indicated by high magnetic anomalies. Paralled pattern contour of Bouguer anomaly show a thrust faults and normal faults in this area. Thrust faults of commonly develop in Meratus Mountaint that has the same geological setting. The low Bouguer and magnetic anomalies reflect a sedimentary basin caused by previous tensional force. The intrusion rocks found in the study area suggest to be formed together with this tensional force period. A series of tectonic events recorded in Bougue anomaly, magnetic anomaly, and out crops gave the implication the possibility the present of energy and mineral resources in the study area. Metal mineralization suggests to be found in the intrusion area. Irons, nickels and chromites supposed can be found in the ulta-mafic area, while coal can be found in the sedimentary basin.
Keywords : Bouguer anomalies, magnetic anomalies, energy and mineral resources, thrust and normal faults.
Kata kunci : Anomali Bouguer, anomali magnet, sumber daya energi dan mineral, sesar naik dan sesar turun.
Bouguer anomaly of the Laut Island, Sebuku Island, and The Sebuku Strait can be grouped into two anomaly groups covering the circular pattern anomaly with range from 40 to 64 mGals, and the straight pattern with range of values from 40 to 50 mGals. The range of magnetic anomalies in the study area area from -700 to 1600 nT, forming high and low anomay patterns. The circular pattern of the Bouguer anomalies with range from 45 to 64 mGals reflects that the ultramafic rocks relatively close to the surface, while exposed ultrabasic rocks are indicated by high magnetic anomalies. Paralled pattern contour of Bouguer anomaly show a thrust faults and normal faults in this area. Thrust faults of commonly develop in Meratus Mountaint that has the same geological setting. The low Bouguer and magnetic anomalies reflect a sedimentary basin caused by previous tensional force. The intrusion rocks found in the study area suggest to be formed together with this tensional force period. A series of tectonic events recorded in Bougue anomaly, magnetic anomaly, and out crops gave the implication the possibility the present of energy and mineral resources in the study area. Metal mineralization suggests to be found in the intrusion area. Irons, nickels and chromites supposed can be found in the ulta-mafic area, while coal can be found in the sedimentary basin.
Keywords : Bouguer anomalies, magnetic anomalies, energy and mineral resources, thrust and normal faults.
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32693/jgk.11.3.2013.236
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