Pulau Laut-Sekatung adalah salah satu pulau terluar Negara Republik Indonesia yang berbatasan dengan perairan Malaysia Timur. Pulau ini terletak di laut Cina Selatan sebagai bagian dari Kepulauan Natuna dan secara administratif termasuk Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan tipologi kawasan pantai berdasarkan metoda geologi dan geofisika kelautan seperti pemetaan geologi kawasan pantai, pengambilan contoh sedimen, serta data-data penunjang seperti pengamatan pasang surut, pengukuran arus dan batimetri. Berdasarkan metoda-metoda tersebut, kawasan pantai Pulau Laut dapat dibedakan 3 jenis yaitu, pantai berpasir, pantai berbatuan dan pantai berbakau. Pantai tipe I adalah pantai berpasir menempati bagian selatan dan timur daerah penelitian, merupakan pasir hasil metasedimen dan terumbu karang. Pantai tipe II adalah pantai berbakau, menempati bagian tenggara daerah penelitian dan merupakan endapan rawa dengan morfologi pedarataran. Pantai tipe III merupakan pantai berbatuan menempati bagian timur dan utara daerah penelitian, merupakan singkapan batuan metasedimen dan batuan beku berumur Kapur yang berasal dari Formasi Bunguran. Tipe pasang surut di perairan Pulau Laut-Sekatung adalah harian tunggal (diurnal tide). Morfologi dasar laut perairan pantai sebelah barat dan timur berbeda, dimana sebelah barat dari garis pantai morfologinya curam sedangkan sebelah timur morfologinya landai. Perubahan garis pantai dicirikan oleh erosi pantai dibagian barat dan akrasi dibagian timur.
Kata kunci: Pulau Laut-Sekatung, pulau terluar, karakteristik pantai
The Sekatung-Laut Island is one of the outer island of the Republic Indonesia which bordered with the East of Malaysia waters. This island is located in the South China Sea as part of Natuna island and administratively within the Province of Riau islands. The purpose of this study is to know the characteristic and typology of coastal area. To support this purpose, the geology and geophysical survey method such as coastal mapping, sediment sampling, tide, current and bathymetry measurement have been done. Based on these method, the coastal area of Sekatung-Sea island can be distinguished in to 3 type. Coastal type I is a sand coast which is located in the south and east of the island where sand material is derived from meta-sediment rock and coral reef. Coastal type II is a mangrove coast which is located in the south east of study area. This coast is characterized by swamp deposits, mangrove plantation and plain area. Coastal type III is a rocky coast. This coast is characterized by the steep cliff of Cretaceous meta-sediment and volcanic rock of Bungaran Formation. Tide characteristic of study area is diurnal tide and the maximum current velocity is about 1.6 meter/second and is dominated by north direction. The morphology of water coast at west coast is very steep and in the eastern part is very flat. The coast line change is characterized by the erosion in the eastern part and akrasi to sable coast in the western part.
Key words: Laut-Sekatung island, outer island, coastal characteristic
Kata kunci: Pulau Laut-Sekatung, pulau terluar, karakteristik pantai
The Sekatung-Laut Island is one of the outer island of the Republic Indonesia which bordered with the East of Malaysia waters. This island is located in the South China Sea as part of Natuna island and administratively within the Province of Riau islands. The purpose of this study is to know the characteristic and typology of coastal area. To support this purpose, the geology and geophysical survey method such as coastal mapping, sediment sampling, tide, current and bathymetry measurement have been done. Based on these method, the coastal area of Sekatung-Sea island can be distinguished in to 3 type. Coastal type I is a sand coast which is located in the south and east of the island where sand material is derived from meta-sediment rock and coral reef. Coastal type II is a mangrove coast which is located in the south east of study area. This coast is characterized by swamp deposits, mangrove plantation and plain area. Coastal type III is a rocky coast. This coast is characterized by the steep cliff of Cretaceous meta-sediment and volcanic rock of Bungaran Formation. Tide characteristic of study area is diurnal tide and the maximum current velocity is about 1.6 meter/second and is dominated by north direction. The morphology of water coast at west coast is very steep and in the eastern part is very flat. The coast line change is characterized by the erosion in the eastern part and akrasi to sable coast in the western part.
Key words: Laut-Sekatung island, outer island, coastal characteristic
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32693/jgk.11.2.2013.233
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