Masalah utama yang terjadi di perairan sekitar kolam Pelabuhan Jetty Pertamina Balongan, Indramayu adalah abrasi dan pendangkalan. Oleh karena itu dilakukan analisis mengenai pendangkalan kolam pelabuhan dan abrasi pantai di lokasi ini dengan menggunakan data arus stasioner, trayektori arus, pasang surut dan hindcasting gelombang. Data penelitian lapangan selama satu bulan memperlihatkan telah terjadi proses pendangkalan dan abrasi pantai di sekitar area Pelabuhan Jetty Pertamina. Proses ini terjadi akibat terganggunya laju sedimen yang berasal dari selatan ke utara dan sebaliknya oleh aliran arus sejajar pantai dan arus pasang surut karena keberadaan Pelabuhan Jetty Pertamina (terganggunya kesetimbangan suplai sedimen). Kecepatan arus pasang surut pada tiga kedalaman berbeda rata-rata berkisar antara 0.168 – 0.215 m/s dan kecepatan arus terbesar sebesar 0.371 m/s terjadi pada saat spring tide. Arus pasang surut dan arus sejajar pantai secara bersinergi mempercepat terjadinya abrasi pantai dan pendangkalan kolam Pelabuhan Jetty. Laju abrasi pantai di perairan ini berdasarkan data PPPGL tahun 2003 adalah sebesar 1 – 4 m per tahun. Salah satu upaya untuk menanggulangi abrasi dan pendangkalan di kolam Pelabuhan Jetty terlebih dahulu harus di lakukan studi pemodelan. Studi pemodelan ini digunakan untuk melihat gambaran secara dinamis kondisi hidro dinamika perairan yang berhubungan dengan proses terjadinya pendangkalan dan abrasi, serta untuk menentukan tipe bangunan pantai yang sesuai.
Kata kunci : pelabuhan, jetty, sedimentasi, pendangkalan, abrasi, arus, sedimen
The main problem that occured around the pool of port Pertamina Jetty Balongan, Indramayu is abrasion and shoaling. Therefore an analysis of the shoaling pool of port and coastal abrasion in this location was conducted by using the stationary current data, trajectory current, tide and wave hindcasting. Data of one-month field observation shows there has been shoaling and coastal abrasion processes in the areas sorrounding port Pertamina Jetty. This process occurs due to disruption of the rate of sediment derived from south to north and vice versa by the current flow parallel to the coast and tidal current because of the presence of Pertamina Jetty port (disturbance of equilibrium sediment supply). The velocity of tidal currents on three different average depths ranging from 0.168 – 0.215 m/s and the largest flow velocity of 0.371 m/s during spring tide. The direction of static current measurement and float tracking south-southeast trending dominant at low tide and northwest-north at high tide. Tidal current and longshore current sinergies to accelerate the occurence of coastal abrasion and shoaling pool of Harbour Jetty. The rate of coastal abrasion in this water based on PPPGL data of 2003 that is 1 – 4 m/s per year. One effort to overcome abrasion and shoaling in pool Harbour Jetty should be done prior modeling studies. This modeling study is used to portraya water hydro dynamics associated with the process of shoaling and abrasion, as well as determine the appropriate types of coastal structures.
Keyword : ports, jetties, sedimentation, shoaling, abrasion, currents, sediment
Kata kunci : pelabuhan, jetty, sedimentasi, pendangkalan, abrasi, arus, sedimen
The main problem that occured around the pool of port Pertamina Jetty Balongan, Indramayu is abrasion and shoaling. Therefore an analysis of the shoaling pool of port and coastal abrasion in this location was conducted by using the stationary current data, trajectory current, tide and wave hindcasting. Data of one-month field observation shows there has been shoaling and coastal abrasion processes in the areas sorrounding port Pertamina Jetty. This process occurs due to disruption of the rate of sediment derived from south to north and vice versa by the current flow parallel to the coast and tidal current because of the presence of Pertamina Jetty port (disturbance of equilibrium sediment supply). The velocity of tidal currents on three different average depths ranging from 0.168 – 0.215 m/s and the largest flow velocity of 0.371 m/s during spring tide. The direction of static current measurement and float tracking south-southeast trending dominant at low tide and northwest-north at high tide. Tidal current and longshore current sinergies to accelerate the occurence of coastal abrasion and shoaling pool of Harbour Jetty. The rate of coastal abrasion in this water based on PPPGL data of 2003 that is 1 – 4 m/s per year. One effort to overcome abrasion and shoaling in pool Harbour Jetty should be done prior modeling studies. This modeling study is used to portraya water hydro dynamics associated with the process of shoaling and abrasion, as well as determine the appropriate types of coastal structures.
Keyword : ports, jetties, sedimentation, shoaling, abrasion, currents, sediment
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32693/jgk.9.1.2011.197
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