Perencanaan dan pengembangan Pelabuhan Cirebon merupakan kegiatan strategis kerena letak kabupaten dan kota Cirebon merupakan sisi penghubung antara beberapa kabupaten di bagian barat (DKI dan Jawa Barat) dan beberapa kabupaten di bagian timur (Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur). Demikian juga wilayah perairannya, merupakan bagian dari perairan Laut Jawa yang menghubungkan beberapa pulau di depannya, seperti Kalimantan, Sulawesi dan kepulauan di Kawasan Timur Indonesia.Salah satu kendala bagi perencanaan Pelabuhan Cirebon yaitu masalah sedimentasi yang cukup aktif di perairan ini, hal ini dimungkinkan karena banyaknya sungai-sungai besar yang membawa sedimen dari daratan disamping itu faktor oseanografi juga berperan. Metoda yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini yaitu dengan melakukan pengamatan pasang surut dan pengukuran arus, membandingkan beberapa peta dasar, menghitung kecepatan sedimentasi pada material halus (suspended sediment) dengan penentuan umur absolut berdasarkan radioaktif 210Pb. Kedudukan muka air laut rata-rata (mean sea level) sebesar 139 cm dan kedudukan air rendah (LWS) sebesar 59.93 cm dibawah duduk tengah, tipe pasang surutnya adalah “pasang campuran yang condong ke harian gandaâ€, berdasarkan bilangan Formzal F sebesar 0.51. Kondisi arus pada saat pasang kecepatan arus permukaan rata-rata mencapai 0,072 m/detik dan arus menengah mencapai 0,056 m/detik. Pada saat surut kecepatan arus permukaan rata-rata mencapai 0,075 m/detik dan arus menengah mencapai 0,055 m/detik. Pada daerah dekat pantai pola arus permukaan relatif sama dengan pola arah angin dominan yaitu berarah timurlaut – baratdaya. Faktor lain yang mempengaruhi pola arus adalah banyaknya sungai besar serta adanya Tanjung Dleweran yang menjorok ke laut sehingga terjadi pola arus yang menutup (louping current). Kecepatan sedimentasi rata-rata di perairan Astanajapura berdasarkan penentuan umur unsur radioaktif 210Pb berkisar antara 1,37 – 1,5 cm/tahun dengan muatan sedimen rata-rata berkisar antara 30,44 – 36,1 kg/m2/tahun.
Planning and development of Cirebon Port is a strategic activity, because some district in the west part (DKI and West Java) and the east part (Central Java and East Java) is connected by the Cirebon district. Cirebon waters isbelonging to the Java Sea and also as a connecting same island in front of, such as Kalimantan, Sulawesi and the eastern part of Indonesia islands. Once of constrain for port development in Cirebon district is a sedimentationrate, this problem due to much sediment are carried by the big rivers from the land. In this research the method are used such as tide observation, current measurement, complied some base map, sediment rate accounting with determining of age absolute base on 210Pb radioactive.Mean sea lavel is 139 cm and low water sea is 59,93 cm below mean sea lave, base on Fromzal unit 0.51 type oftide is mixed tide to predominantly semi diurnal. Mean surficial current velocity is 0.072 m/sec and medium current velocity is 0.055 m/sec in the tide, meansurficial current velocity is 0.075 m/sec and medium current velocity is 0.055 m/sec in the ebb. In the near shore the surficial current relative same with the dominant wind direction that is notheast-southwest. There are many big river and Dleweran cape which extends into the sea cause the louping current are the other factor which influence the current. The average of sedimentation rate in the Astanajapura waters base on radioactive 210Pb dating is 1,37 – 1,5 cm/yr and the average of sediment mass flux is 30,44 – 36,1 kg/m2yr-1.
Planning and development of Cirebon Port is a strategic activity, because some district in the west part (DKI and West Java) and the east part (Central Java and East Java) is connected by the Cirebon district. Cirebon waters isbelonging to the Java Sea and also as a connecting same island in front of, such as Kalimantan, Sulawesi and the eastern part of Indonesia islands. Once of constrain for port development in Cirebon district is a sedimentationrate, this problem due to much sediment are carried by the big rivers from the land. In this research the method are used such as tide observation, current measurement, complied some base map, sediment rate accounting with determining of age absolute base on 210Pb radioactive.Mean sea lavel is 139 cm and low water sea is 59,93 cm below mean sea lave, base on Fromzal unit 0.51 type oftide is mixed tide to predominantly semi diurnal. Mean surficial current velocity is 0.072 m/sec and medium current velocity is 0.055 m/sec in the tide, meansurficial current velocity is 0.075 m/sec and medium current velocity is 0.055 m/sec in the ebb. In the near shore the surficial current relative same with the dominant wind direction that is notheast-southwest. There are many big river and Dleweran cape which extends into the sea cause the louping current are the other factor which influence the current. The average of sedimentation rate in the Astanajapura waters base on radioactive 210Pb dating is 1,37 – 1,5 cm/yr and the average of sediment mass flux is 30,44 – 36,1 kg/m2yr-1.
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