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Prabowo, Harkins, BBSPGL
Pranoto, Setyanto C.D., Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia)
Praptisih, Praptisih, Geotechnology Research Centre, Indonesian Institute of Sciences LIPI, Bandung (Indonesia)
Prasetio, Fauzi Budi
Prasetyo, Eko
Prihantono, Joko, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia)
Prihantono, Joko, Marine Research Centre, Ministry of marine Affairs and Fisheries (Indonesia)
Priohandono, Yusuf Adam, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia)
Priohandono, Yusuf Adam
Pujiastuti, Rini, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang (Indonesia)
Purbonegoro, Triyoni, Research Center for Oceanography (Indonesia)
Purwanto, Catur, Marine Geological Institute (Indonesia)
Purwanto, Catur
Puspita, Salma Dita Rysqi, Geophysics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Padjadjaran University, Sumedang 45363, Indonesia (Indonesia)
puspitasari, rachma, School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia and National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta (Indonesia)
Puspitasari, Rachma, Research Center for Oceanography (Indonesia)
Rachman, Audi, Study Program of Oceanography, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Rachman, Reno Arief, National Research and Innovation Agency, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) (Indonesia)
Rachmat, Beben, Marine Geological Institute (Indonesia)
Rachmayani, Rima, Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)
Rachmayani, Rima, Bandung Institute Technology (Indonesia)
Rachmayani, Rima, Bandung Institute of Technology
Radjawane, Ivonne Milichristi, 1. Oceanography Research Group, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB, Bandung, Indonesia 2. Korea-Indonesia Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center, ITB, Cirebon, Indonesia (Indonesia)
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