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Lahiri, Amitava, Geological Survey of India (India)
Larasati, Oktavira Dwi Demia, Department of Earth Science, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
Larasati, Oktavira Dwi Demia, Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia)
Latuputty, Godwin
Latuputty, Godwin, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia)
Lestari, Lestari, Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Science (Indonesia)
Lestari, Lestari, Research Center for Oceanography-LIPI (Indonesia)
Liu, Shengfa, First Institute of Oceanography, Marine Key Laboratory of marine Sedimentology Environmental Geology (China)
Lubis, Subaktian, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia) (Indonesia)
Lugra, I Wayan, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia) (Indonesia)
Lugra, I Wayan, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia)

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