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Sahudin, Sahudin
Sampurno, Pungky, Marine Geological Institute
Saputra, Mario D., Puslitbang Geologi Kelautan
Saputra, Mario Dwi, Marine Geological Institute (Indonesia)
Saputra, Rivdhal
Sarkowi, Muh.
Sarkowi, Muhammad
Sarmili, Lili, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia)
Sarmili, Lili, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia) (Indonesia)
Sathikumar, Resmi, Geological Survey of India (India)
Sato, Tokiyuki
Satya, Eridhani Dharma, Doctoral Program Study of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences,Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. H. Soedarto, S.H, Tembalang, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50275, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Schampera, Ulrich Schwarz, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia)
Sendjaja, Yoga Andriana, Padjadjaran University (Indonesia)
Sengupta, Debasis, Geological Survey of India (India)
Setiadi, Imam, Marine Geological Institute, Jl. Dr. Djundjunan No. 236, Bandung, 40174 (Indonesia)
Setiadi, Imam
Setiadi, Imam, Marine Geological Institute
Setiadi, Imam (Indonesia)
Setiadi, Imam, Marine Geological Institute (Indonesia)
Setiady, Deny, Marine Geological Institute (Indonesia)
Setiady, Deny, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia)
Setiady, Deny, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia) (Indonesia)
Setyanta, Budi, Centre for Geological Survey (Indonesia)
251 - 275 of 373 Items << < 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 > >>
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