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Dwandari Ralanarko
Pertamina Hulu Energi / Padjadjaran University / Indonesian Association of Geologists
Dwandari (Andar) Ralanarko has experience working in almost of the entire energy industry. He has worked with Exploration Project in Kutai Barat, Borneo and also a Field Mapping Project in Ugljevic and several districts in Republika Srpska, Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Since 2011, he has worked for both exploitation and subsurface team. He has focused on subsurface mapping, reservoir characterization, and geological static models with exploration and development fields in Asia Pacific. Dwandari has also worked to maintain oil production from clastic sandstone & carbonate reservoir with strong water drives and has also worked with issues of depletion drive. He is currently deal with Exploitation Planning and Evaluation by managing Subsurface Uncertainties and also Risk Assessment & Evaluation for oil & gas industry. One of his key project is the preparation and pilot implementation of Enhanced Oil Recovery in Offshore Fractured Carbonate Reservoir.
He has given numerous presentations of his work including at the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), and several Asia Pacific oil & gas conferences. He has passion for participation in professional organizations, exercising leadership and teaching. He enjoys giving talks, workshops, and seminars for several student chapters in the Asia Pacific Region and around the world.
He was selected to attend the AAPG SC Leadership Symposium (SCLS) and Leadership Day in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2010 and was invited to attend AAPG SCCS & Young Professional Leadership Summit (YPLS) in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2014. On May 2018, He has received a Young Professional Award from AAPG Headquarters. He is the Chair of the Oversight Committee for Indonesia AAPG SCs and is Co-Coordinator for the Visiting Geoscientists Program (VGP) and also Young Professionals (YPs) Special Interest Group in the Asia Pacific Region. He is currently a Secretary-General of IAGI (Indonesian Association of Geologists).
M. Iqbal Ramadhan
Pertamina Hulu Energi OSES - TAF Technical Interests Group
Lili Fauzielly
Universitas Padjadjaran
Winantris ⠀
Universitas Padjadjaran
Ildrem Syafri
Universitas Padjadjaran
Abdurrokhim ⠀
Universitas Padjadjaran