Cekungan Tomori merupakan salah satu cekungan frontier yang terdapat di daerah Teluk Tomori, Sulawesi, termasuk didalamnya Formasi Tetambahu yang merupakan salah satu batuan reservoir berpotensi hidrokarbon. Kemunculan formasi ini yang didominasi oleh sedimen karbonat terjadi akibat adanya aktivitas tektonisme pada Miosen, bersamaan dengan kemunculan mikrokontinen Banggai-Sula. Berdasarkan analisis mikrofasies dan diagenesis dari tujuh sampel batugamping wackestone Formasi Tetambahu pada lintasan Korololama, menunjukkan karakteristik biosclastic wackestone dan coated grain in micrite, dan diendapkan pada lingkungan shelf lagoon open circulation. Proses diagenesis yang dialami formasi ini adalah eodiagenesis, mesodiagenesis, dan telodiagenesis, sehingga porositas yang terbentuk terdiri atas vuggy porosity, interparticle, dan intragranular microporosity.
Kata kunci: Formasi Tetambahu, mikrofasies, diagenesa batugamping, Teluk Tomori Sulawesi.
Tomori Basin is one of the frontier basins located in the Tomori Bay area, Sulawesi, including the Tetambahu Formation which is one of the potentially reservoir rocks of hydrocarbon. The appearance of this formation is dominated by carbonate sediment which occurs due to the tectonic activity on Miocene, along with the emergence of Banggai-Sula microcontinent. Based on the analysis of microfacies and diagenesis of seven limestone samples from Tetambahu Formation in the Korololama section, shows the characteristics of biosclastic wackestone and coated grain in micrite, and deposited in shelf lagoon open circulation. Tetambahu formation has experienced diagenesis process such as eodiagenesis, mesodiagenesis, and telodiagenesis, therefore the porosity is formed consisting of vuggy porosity, interparticle, and intragranular microporosity.
Keywords: Tetambahu Formation, microfacies, limestone diagenesis Tomori Bay Sulawesi
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