Kata kunci : kebencanaan geologi, energi fluks, banjir bandang, abrasi pantai dan tsunami, Pulau Obi
The study area is located on northern part of Obi Island, Moluccas. The research objective is to determine the potential of marine geological hazard by primary and secondary data collecting. Primary data consists of bathymetric and coastal characteristic mapping. Secondary data is from calculated wave energy flux by using wind data from Labuha / Taliabu observation stations (2004 – 2013). The result composed of coastal characteristic and bathymetric maps. The water depth range from 0 to 310 metres and the deepest part in between Obi and Bisa islands. The geological hazard on Obi Island consist of flooding,coastal abrasion and tsunami.
Keywords :Â geological hazard, flux energy, flooding, coastal abrasion and tsunami, Obi Island
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