Penentuan model empiris hari tenang variasi medan geomagnet dikonstruksi berdasarkan data geomagnet dari stasiun geomagnet (SG) Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Tondano, Manado. Hari tenang variasi medan geomagnet dinyatakan sebagai fungsi dari keempat komponen atau variabel yang mempengaruhinya yaitu: aktivitas matahari SA (solar activity), hari dalam setahun DOY (date of year), usia bulan LA (lunar age) dan waktu lokal LT (local time). Dalam bentuk matematis ditulis sebagai, EMQD ( SA, DOY, LA, LT ) = f(SA). g(DOY). h(LA). m(LT). Model empiris yang didasarkan pada fungsi kecocokan ini terdiri dari 270 bentuk ekspresi matematik. Sedangkan bentuk-bentuk ekspresi matematik ini juga mencakup proses-proses non-linier yang tak dapat diabaikan dalam model empiris hari tenang variasi medan geomagnet tersebut. Model empiris ini dapat ditiru atau dikonstruksi kembali pada suatu selang waktu yang relatif panjang (misalnya satu siklus matahari), asalkan kondisi geomagnet selalu berada dalam keadaan tenang. Kontribusi dari model empiris hari tenang ini akan memberikan informasi tentang gangguan geomagnet yang ada di stasiun geomagnet Tondano (Nilai Gangguan geomagnet = Nilai variasi medan geomagnet yang terukur – Nilai model empiris hari tenang). Dengan demikian model ini akan memberikan informasi gangguan geomagnet untuk operasi survey geomagnet disekitar stasiun geomagnet Tondano, Manado.
Kata kunci : Model empiris, Hari tenang, Variasi medan geomagnet.
The determination an empirical model of the quiet daily geomagnetic field variation that is constructed based on geomagnetic data from Tondano, Manado station geomagnetic This quiet daily of geomagnetic field variation was described as a function of four variables that its influence, these are solar activity (SA), day of year (DOY), lunar age (LA) and local time (LT). In the mathematically writes: EMQD ( SA, DOY, LA, LT ) = f(SA). g(DOY). h(LA). m(LT). The empirical model based on this fitting function consist of 270 coefficients which included in expression form of mathematic. While, expression form of this mathematic also comprise nonlinear processes which can not minimized in the empirical model of the quiet daily geomagnetic field variation. This empirical model can be reconstructed on the time interval that is long relative (for example one solar cycle). Provided that, under geomagnetic quiet conditions. Contribution of this empirical model of the quiet daily variation is can give information about the existence of geomagnetic disturbance at Tondano (value of geomagnetic disturbance equal value of measurable geomagnetic field variation minus value of empirical model of the quiet daily variation). Thus, information about the existence of this geomagnetic disturbance very useful for necessity geomagnetic survey at Tondano, Manado geomagnetic station.
Keywords: Empirical model, the quiet daily variation, geomagnetic field variation.
Kata kunci : Model empiris, Hari tenang, Variasi medan geomagnet.
The determination an empirical model of the quiet daily geomagnetic field variation that is constructed based on geomagnetic data from Tondano, Manado station geomagnetic This quiet daily of geomagnetic field variation was described as a function of four variables that its influence, these are solar activity (SA), day of year (DOY), lunar age (LA) and local time (LT). In the mathematically writes: EMQD ( SA, DOY, LA, LT ) = f(SA). g(DOY). h(LA). m(LT). The empirical model based on this fitting function consist of 270 coefficients which included in expression form of mathematic. While, expression form of this mathematic also comprise nonlinear processes which can not minimized in the empirical model of the quiet daily geomagnetic field variation. This empirical model can be reconstructed on the time interval that is long relative (for example one solar cycle). Provided that, under geomagnetic quiet conditions. Contribution of this empirical model of the quiet daily variation is can give information about the existence of geomagnetic disturbance at Tondano (value of geomagnetic disturbance equal value of measurable geomagnetic field variation minus value of empirical model of the quiet daily variation). Thus, information about the existence of this geomagnetic disturbance very useful for necessity geomagnetic survey at Tondano, Manado geomagnetic station.
Keywords: Empirical model, the quiet daily variation, geomagnetic field variation.
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