Perairan Aceh termasuk Pulau Weh, Pulau Breuh dan Pulau Penasi merupakan area terluar di sisi barat Kepulauan Indonesia yang menghadap ke Samudera Hindia. Wilayah ini sangat menarik bagi para peneliti terutama setelah kejadian tsunami pada tahun 2004. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi foraminifera sebagai organisme yang sensitif terhadap perubahan lingkungan. Sebanyak 32 contoh sedimen diambil pada kedalaman 7- 170 meter dan terpilih 11 contoh untuk studi foraminifera. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada 45 spesies foraminifera bentik yang sangat berlimpah, terdiri atas 28 spesies anggota Subordo Rotaliina, Miliolina (7 spesies) dan Textulariina (10 spesies). Amphistegina papilosa dijumpai dalam jumlah sangat berlimpah dan tersebar merata yang memberi indikasi kondisi lingkungan terumbu karang baik. Ammonia tepida sangat dominan (47%) di sebelah utara Pulau Weh (S30) dibandingkan dengan spesies lain. Di bagian Timur Pulau Penasi, ditemukan cangkang foraminifera dalam kondisi rusak dalam jumlah berlimpah yang dapat dikaitkan dengan arus kuat di lokasi ini.
Kata kunci : foraminifera bentik, distribusi, perairan Aceh
The Aceh waters including Weh, Breuh and Penasi islands are the outer parts of northwestern Indonesia that facing the Indian Ocean. This area is interested for many scientists especially after tsunami in 2004. The purpose of this study is to establish the distribution of benthic foraminifera as a sensitive indicator of environmental changes. Thirty two (32) surface sediment samples were collected at the water depth of 7-170 m and eleven samples were selected for foraminiferal study. The results show 45 species of benthic foraminifera very abundantly and consists of 28 species belong to Suborder Rotaliina, Miliolina (7 species) and Textularia (10 species). Amphistegina papilosa is found abundantly and widely distribution that provide an indication of good reef environments. Ammonia tepida is very dominant(47%) in the northern part of Weh island compared with other species. Abnormal shells of foraminifera were found abundantly in the eastern part of Penasi Island that related to strong current in this area.
Keywords: benthic foraminifera, distribution, Aceh waters
Kata kunci : foraminifera bentik, distribusi, perairan Aceh
The Aceh waters including Weh, Breuh and Penasi islands are the outer parts of northwestern Indonesia that facing the Indian Ocean. This area is interested for many scientists especially after tsunami in 2004. The purpose of this study is to establish the distribution of benthic foraminifera as a sensitive indicator of environmental changes. Thirty two (32) surface sediment samples were collected at the water depth of 7-170 m and eleven samples were selected for foraminiferal study. The results show 45 species of benthic foraminifera very abundantly and consists of 28 species belong to Suborder Rotaliina, Miliolina (7 species) and Textularia (10 species). Amphistegina papilosa is found abundantly and widely distribution that provide an indication of good reef environments. Ammonia tepida is very dominant(47%) in the northern part of Weh island compared with other species. Abnormal shells of foraminifera were found abundantly in the eastern part of Penasi Island that related to strong current in this area.
Keywords: benthic foraminifera, distribution, Aceh waters
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32693/jgk.12.1.2014.243
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