Struktur geologi yang berkembang di Perairan Wetar berupa Proto-Thrust-Zone, Frontal-Thrust dan Sesar Mendatar. Kelurusan anomali magnetik dikontrol oleh kontras suseptibilitas magnetik dari fenomena geologi. Interpretasi fenomena geologi berdasarkan anomali magnetik memperlihatkan Sesar Naik Wetar yang cukup jelas di bagian selatan, dan berpindah tidak menerus ke bagian timur daerah penelitian akibat Sesar Mendatar. Fenomena geologi lainnya berdasarkan metode horisontal derivatif orde 1 dan analisis sinyal terlihat jelas batas keberadaan tubuh batuan vulkanik. yang teridentifikasi dalam penampang seismik lintasan 5 dan 9. Metode ini cukup baik dalam memetakan struktur bawah permukaan. Di perairan Wetar sebagian anomali magnet tidak bisa diinterpretasikan jika dikorelasikan dengan penampang seismik. Hal ini terkait dengan hipotesis keberadaan paleomagnetik dan kerak Banda bagian selatan yang merupakan lempeng samudera yang terperangkap.
Kata Kunci : magnet, horisontal derivatif, anomali, perairan Wetar
Geological structures that develop in the Wetar waters are Proto Thrus Zone, Frontal Thrust Zone and Strike Slip Fault. Magnetic lineament controlled by sussceptibility contrast of geological phenomena. Interpretation of geological phenomena based on magnetic anomaly clearly show the strike-slip fault trending in the south, and move discontinuously eastward of the study area due to Strike-Slip Fault. Other geological phenomena clearly identified by horizontal derivative and signal analysis method such as the boundary of volcanic body as seen on seismic section line 5 and 9. These method quite usefull to map subsurface structure. Some part of the magnetic anomaly in the Wetar Waters cannot be interpreted since they are correlated with seismic section. It may be due to the hypothesis of the present of paleomagnetic southern Banda basin assumed as the trapped oceanic crust.
Keywords: magnetic, derivative horizontal, anomaly, Wetar waters
Kata Kunci : magnet, horisontal derivatif, anomali, perairan Wetar
Geological structures that develop in the Wetar waters are Proto Thrus Zone, Frontal Thrust Zone and Strike Slip Fault. Magnetic lineament controlled by sussceptibility contrast of geological phenomena. Interpretation of geological phenomena based on magnetic anomaly clearly show the strike-slip fault trending in the south, and move discontinuously eastward of the study area due to Strike-Slip Fault. Other geological phenomena clearly identified by horizontal derivative and signal analysis method such as the boundary of volcanic body as seen on seismic section line 5 and 9. These method quite usefull to map subsurface structure. Some part of the magnetic anomaly in the Wetar Waters cannot be interpreted since they are correlated with seismic section. It may be due to the hypothesis of the present of paleomagnetic southern Banda basin assumed as the trapped oceanic crust.
Keywords: magnetic, derivative horizontal, anomaly, Wetar waters
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