Hasil analisis kimia secara umum menunjukkan kesamaan antara granit dan sedimen permukaan dasar laut. Perbedaan hanya pada dua unsur, yaitu Al2O3 dan Fe2O3; kandungan Al2O3 pada granit antara 12,63 - 15,58% dan Fe2O3 antara 1,26 - 1,78%, sedangkan sedimen permukaan dasar laut Al2O3 berkisar antara 2,10 - 3,29% dan Fe2O3 antara 7,57 - 12,88%. Hasil analisis pada Diagram Harker menunjukkan penyebaran granit dan sedimen dasar laut membentuk pola searah, mengiindikasikan pola ko-magmatik.
Selanjutnya, untuk menentukan tipe granit di P. Singkep dalam kaitannya dengan kandungan timah, dua diagram SiO2 vs FeOtot/MgO dan ACF telah digunakan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa granit Singkep termasuk daerah transisi antara tipe A dan tipe I&S dan tipe S yang kaya ilmenit dan berassosiasi dengan konsentrat timah.
Kata kunci: granit, sedimen dasar laut, kimia, tipe I&S, tipe S, timah, Pulau Singkep
Results of chemical analyses generally show the similarities between the granites and the seafloor sediments. The difference is only in the two elements, namely Al2O3 and Fe2O3; Al2O3 contents. In the granite ranges between 12.63 to 15.58% and the Fe2O3 ranges between 1.26 to 1.78%; while the seafloor sediment shows Al2O3 between 2.10 to 3, 29% and Fe2O3 between 7.57 to 12.88%. Results of the analysis on the Harker Diagram shows the distribution of the granites and the seafloors sediments form the unidirectional pattern, indicates the co-magmatic pattern.
Furthermore, to determine the type of granite in Singkep Island in relation with the tin content two diagram of SiO2 vs FeOtot/MgO and ACF are used. The result shows that the Singkep granite belong to the the transition area between the A and I&S and the S type which rich of ilmenite and associated with tin concentrate.
Keywords: granite, sea floor sediments, chemicals, I&S type, S type, tin, Singkep Island
Selanjutnya, untuk menentukan tipe granit di P. Singkep dalam kaitannya dengan kandungan timah, dua diagram SiO2 vs FeOtot/MgO dan ACF telah digunakan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa granit Singkep termasuk daerah transisi antara tipe A dan tipe I&S dan tipe S yang kaya ilmenit dan berassosiasi dengan konsentrat timah.
Kata kunci: granit, sedimen dasar laut, kimia, tipe I&S, tipe S, timah, Pulau Singkep
Results of chemical analyses generally show the similarities between the granites and the seafloor sediments. The difference is only in the two elements, namely Al2O3 and Fe2O3; Al2O3 contents. In the granite ranges between 12.63 to 15.58% and the Fe2O3 ranges between 1.26 to 1.78%; while the seafloor sediment shows Al2O3 between 2.10 to 3, 29% and Fe2O3 between 7.57 to 12.88%. Results of the analysis on the Harker Diagram shows the distribution of the granites and the seafloors sediments form the unidirectional pattern, indicates the co-magmatic pattern.
Furthermore, to determine the type of granite in Singkep Island in relation with the tin content two diagram of SiO2 vs FeOtot/MgO and ACF are used. The result shows that the Singkep granite belong to the the transition area between the A and I&S and the S type which rich of ilmenite and associated with tin concentrate.
Keywords: granite, sea floor sediments, chemicals, I&S type, S type, tin, Singkep Island
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