Model numerik MIKE 21 modul transport sedimen digunakan untuk mengetahui respon pergerakan lumpur Sidoarjo pada saat musim hujan dan musim kemarau dan pengaruh tanggul yang berada di muara Sungai Porong. Data yang digunakan adalah pasang surut muka air laut, kedalaman air, debit sungai, arus dan konsentrasi sedimen. Simulasi dilakukan dengan membuat dua skenario, yaitu pada saat kondisi musim hujan dan pada saat musim kemarau. Hasil simulasi model hidrodinamika di verifikasi dengan data lapangan untuk mendapatkan nilai korelasi. Verifikasi meliputi data muka air dan kecepatan arus baik arah –x maupun –y.
Berdasarkan hasil verifikasi didapatkan nilai korelasi muka air sebesar 0.8641 sementara arus bernilai 0.1493 untuk sumbu –x dan 0.1917 untuk sumbu –y. Selanjutnya hasil simulasi model menunjukkan konsentrasi sedimen pada tanggal 27 November 2007 merupakan puncak tertinggi dengan nilai 3.2x10-3 kg/m3 untuk musim hujan sementara untuk musim kemarau konsentrasi sedimen bernilai 0.0x10-3 kg/m3.
Kata kunci : Model Numerik, Pergerakan Lumpur, Sungai Porong.
Numerical model of MIKE 21 sediment transport module was applied to recognize the response of mud flow respective in rainy and dry season and also to get information of dike effect at the river mouth. Data that used in this simulation was tide, water depth, river discharge, current and sediment concentration. The simulations were created for two scenarios, therefore dry season and wet season. The result of the simulation model verified with observation data to see the correlation value. The verification are covering water level data and current magnitude of –x and –y axis.
Based on the verification result, the correlation value of water level has a value 0.8641 meanwhile for the current the correlation value have magnitude 0.1493 of x-axis and 0.1917of y-axis. Moreover, the maximum value of sediment concentration could be seen at November 27th 2007 with 3.2x10-3 kg/m3 at the wet season and 0.0x10-3 kg/m3 for dry season.
Keywords: Numerical Model, Mud Movement, Porong River
Berdasarkan hasil verifikasi didapatkan nilai korelasi muka air sebesar 0.8641 sementara arus bernilai 0.1493 untuk sumbu –x dan 0.1917 untuk sumbu –y. Selanjutnya hasil simulasi model menunjukkan konsentrasi sedimen pada tanggal 27 November 2007 merupakan puncak tertinggi dengan nilai 3.2x10-3 kg/m3 untuk musim hujan sementara untuk musim kemarau konsentrasi sedimen bernilai 0.0x10-3 kg/m3.
Kata kunci : Model Numerik, Pergerakan Lumpur, Sungai Porong.
Numerical model of MIKE 21 sediment transport module was applied to recognize the response of mud flow respective in rainy and dry season and also to get information of dike effect at the river mouth. Data that used in this simulation was tide, water depth, river discharge, current and sediment concentration. The simulations were created for two scenarios, therefore dry season and wet season. The result of the simulation model verified with observation data to see the correlation value. The verification are covering water level data and current magnitude of –x and –y axis.
Based on the verification result, the correlation value of water level has a value 0.8641 meanwhile for the current the correlation value have magnitude 0.1493 of x-axis and 0.1917of y-axis. Moreover, the maximum value of sediment concentration could be seen at November 27th 2007 with 3.2x10-3 kg/m3 at the wet season and 0.0x10-3 kg/m3 for dry season.
Keywords: Numerical Model, Mud Movement, Porong River
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