Gandhi Napitupulu
1. Oceanography Research Group, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
2. Study Program of Oceanography, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB, Cirebon, Indonesia
Rizqi Ayu Farihah
Oceanography Research Group, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
Henry Munandar Manik
Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, IPB University, Indonesia
Oktavira Dwi Demia Larasati
Department of Earth Science, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
Moses Napitupulu
Study Program of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Lamona Irmudyawati Bernawis
Oceanography Research Group, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
Ivonne Milichristi Radjawane
1. Oceanography Research Group, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
2. Korea-Indonesia Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center, ITB, Cirebon, Indonesia
Edi Kusmanto
Oceanographic Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia
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