Suvai seismik laut sepanjang pantai dan lepas pantai Celukanbawang Bali Utara dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan data rekaman seismik guna menerangkan kondisi geologi daerah telitian. Berdasarkan pendekatan stratigrafi seismik, rekaman data seismik menunjukkan bahwa di daerah telitian terdapat 2 (dua) runtunan seismik, yaitu runtunan A dan B. Runtunan A diduga merupakan batuan volkanik sedangkan runtunan B diduga merupakan batuan sedimen yang diendapkan dalam lingkungan energi cukup kuat. Pada daerah slope break banyak dijumpai diapir, dan struktur geologi yang berkembang di daerah telitian adalah sesar normal.
The marine seismic survey along the coast and offshore of Celukanbawang, North Bali, was directed to obtained seismic records to explain the geological condition of the study area. On the basis of seismic stratigraphy approach, the seismic records indicate that in the study area presence 2 (two) seismic sequences, those are sequence A and B. Sequence A is suggested as a volcanic rocks while sequence B is suggested as sedimentary rocks deposited within strong energy environment. At the slope break area the diapers were found, and the geological structures develope in the study area are normal faults.
The marine seismic survey along the coast and offshore of Celukanbawang, North Bali, was directed to obtained seismic records to explain the geological condition of the study area. On the basis of seismic stratigraphy approach, the seismic records indicate that in the study area presence 2 (two) seismic sequences, those are sequence A and B. Sequence A is suggested as a volcanic rocks while sequence B is suggested as sedimentary rocks deposited within strong energy environment. At the slope break area the diapers were found, and the geological structures develope in the study area are normal faults.
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