Daya dukung sedimen dasar laut dan aspek keteknikan pada perencanaan pengembangan pelabuhan Cirebon lebih ditekankan pada faktor geoteknik, geofisika dan oseanografi. Pada saat pasang arah arus cenderung ke arah selatan dan baratdaya, sedangkan pada saat surut cenderung ke arah utara dan timurlaut dengan kecepatan rata-rata maksimum 0.11 m/detik dan minimum 0.08 m/detik. Morfologi dasar laut di perairan pelabuhan Cirebon sangat landai bervariasi antara - 6,5 m (LWS) dan -8.00 m, sedangkan kolamnya sendiri antara 0.00 -2.00 m, Daya dukung tanah pada kedalaman 18.00 - 27.00 m dari LWS di bagian atas diselingi oleh pasir lepas hingga lempung pasiran merupakan tanah bersifat lunak (soft) dengan N SPT = 22 hingga 32 tumbukan (blows). Data sondir di sekitar lokasi dermaga menunjukan nilai harga Qc = 2-4 kg/cm2 pada kedalaman 2.00-11.50 m dan nilai Qc > 150 kg/cm2 dijumpai pada kedalaman 14.00-15.50 m. Sedangkan lapisan bawah di daerah Astanajapura pada kedalaman lebih dari 20.00 meter tertumpu pada pasir, padat, keras, nilai SPT antara 35 hingga lebih dari 50 tumbukan. Analisis mineral lempung yang ada di daerah selidikan memperlihatkan bahwa lempung monmorilonite sangat dominan dan diketahui bahwa tanah yang mengandung monmorilonite sangat mudah mengembang oleh tambahan kadar air sehingga tekanan pengembangannya dapat merusak struktur bangunan pondasi.
Bottom sediments bearing capacity on Cirebon harbor development planning are focused on Geotechnique, geophysical and oceanographically aspects. During tidal spring, current tend to the south and southwest wards and during the neap tide tend to the north and northeast with mean maximum velocity was 0.11 m/sec and minimum velocity was 0.08 m/sec. The sea floor morphology in the Cirebon harbor waters is slightly gentle and the water depth varies from -6.5 to 8.5 m (LWS), while the depth of the pond itself are between 0.00 to -2.00 meters. The bearing capacity from SPT (Standard Penetration Test) at depth between 18.00 - 27.00 m are composed of loose sand to sandy clay, soft, with (N) SPT values about 22 to 32 blows. Sondir data obtained at depth 2.00 - 11.50 and Qc value about 2 - 4 kg/cm2 while at depth 14.00 m to 15.50 m Qc value data about more > 150 kg/cm2 was found at depth more than 20.00 meters. The lower part layers in Astanajapura are composed of sand, dense, hard, with SPT value data obtained are 35 to more than 50 blows. Clay mineral analysis showed montmorilonite is dominant in this survey area. So that very easy to swell and will influenced the foundation structure construction.
Bottom sediments bearing capacity on Cirebon harbor development planning are focused on Geotechnique, geophysical and oceanographically aspects. During tidal spring, current tend to the south and southwest wards and during the neap tide tend to the north and northeast with mean maximum velocity was 0.11 m/sec and minimum velocity was 0.08 m/sec. The sea floor morphology in the Cirebon harbor waters is slightly gentle and the water depth varies from -6.5 to 8.5 m (LWS), while the depth of the pond itself are between 0.00 to -2.00 meters. The bearing capacity from SPT (Standard Penetration Test) at depth between 18.00 - 27.00 m are composed of loose sand to sandy clay, soft, with (N) SPT values about 22 to 32 blows. Sondir data obtained at depth 2.00 - 11.50 and Qc value about 2 - 4 kg/cm2 while at depth 14.00 m to 15.50 m Qc value data about more > 150 kg/cm2 was found at depth more than 20.00 meters. The lower part layers in Astanajapura are composed of sand, dense, hard, with SPT value data obtained are 35 to more than 50 blows. Clay mineral analysis showed montmorilonite is dominant in this survey area. So that very easy to swell and will influenced the foundation structure construction.
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