Hasil penyelidikan geologi dan geofisika kelautan di kawasan pesisir dan perairan selatan Yogyakarta, menunjukkan bahwa kawasan Pesisir Yogyakarta perlu diwaspadai terhadap bencana geologi seperti tsunami, abrasi, dan sedimentasi/pendangkalan. Adanya perbedaan parameter oseanografi, karakteristik pantai dan jenis litologi, menjadikan hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam perencanaan tata ruang pantai.Upaya pemeliharaan kelestarian pelindung alami dan buatan sangat membantu pengembangan wilayah, khususnya di kawasan pesisir Yogyakarta.
The result of marine geological and geophysical investigation in southern coastal areaand waters of Yogyakarta indicates that this area has to be paid attention from the geological hazards, such as tsunami, abrasion and sedimentation. The differences of oceanographical parameters, coastal characteristics and lithologies, has to be mentioned in coastal development planning. The natural and artificial protection will support in coastal development especially in Yogyakarta coastal area.
The result of marine geological and geophysical investigation in southern coastal areaand waters of Yogyakarta indicates that this area has to be paid attention from the geological hazards, such as tsunami, abrasion and sedimentation. The differences of oceanographical parameters, coastal characteristics and lithologies, has to be mentioned in coastal development planning. The natural and artificial protection will support in coastal development especially in Yogyakarta coastal area.
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32693/jgk.1.1.2003.92