Daerah penelitian terletak di perairan antara Pulau Batam dan Pulau Bintan (Selat Riau), termasuk ke dalam wilayah Kotamadya Batam dan Kabupaten Bintan, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah pengambilan posisi (navigasi), pengukuran kedalaman dasar laut, pengamatan dan pengambilan contoh sedimen pantai, pengambilan contoh sedimen dasar laut, serta analisis laboratorium. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui sebaran pasir pasir laut, serta ketebalannya berdasarkan karakteristik ukuran butirannya, agar potensi bahan galian tersebut dapat diketahui. Berdasarkan analisis ukuran butir sedimen di pantai Pulau Batam dan Pulau Bintan diketahui berukuran pasir, kerikil pasiran, pasir kerikilan dan lanau pasiran, sedangkan sebaran sedimen dasar laut terdiri dari: kerikil pasiran, pasir kerikilan, pasir, pasir lanauan dan lanau pasiran. Kedalaman sedimen pasir di pantai Pulau Batam antara 1 meter sampai 2,6 meter, sedangkan ketebalan sedimen pasir di Pulau Bintan antara 0,6 meter sampai 2 meter.
Kata Kunci: sedimen, ukuran butir, pasir, bahan galian, Selat Riau
The study area is located in offshore area between Batam and Bintan Islands (Riau Strait), including of Batam and Bintan regency, Kepulauan Riau Province. The research methods carried out were position taking (navigation), depth of seabed measurement (bathymetry), observation and coastal sediments sampling, seabed sediments sampling, and laboratory analysis. The objectives of the study is to know the sand beach and sea sand distribution and its thickness based on characteristics of grain size, as well as to know those construction materials. Based on sediment grain size analysis on the Batam and Bintan islands, sand beach consists of: sand, sandy gravel, gravelly sand and sandy silt, while seafloor surficial sediments distribution consist of sandy gravel, gravelly sand, sand, silty sand and sandy silt. The depth of sand sediment on Batam beach is between 1 to 2.6 meters, while the depth of sand sediment in Bintan Island coastal is between 0.6 meters to 2 meters.
Keywords: sediment, grain size, sands, substrate material, Riau Strait
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