Data dan informasi sumberdaya mineral terkait dengan batuan penyusunnya di daerah pantai dan lepas pantai masih terbatas. Untuk keberadaan sumberdaya mineral ini maka dilakukan identifikasi kandungan mineral dalam sedimen sebagai objek penelitian guna mengetahui jenis, persentase, distribusi dan perkiraan sumber batuannya. Metode penelitan meliputi pengambilan sampel sedimen, pemisahan konsentrat dulang, analisis mineragrafi butir, dan petrografi batuan. Ragam mineral di dalam endapan sedimennya terdiri dari kuarsa, magnetit, amfibol, ilmenit, felspar, glaukonit, apatit, piroksen, limonit, zirkon, fragmen batuan dan pecahan cangkang. Fraksi mineral yang dominan adalah fraksi pasir sangat halus dan lanau kasar. Secara lateral distribusi kuarsa, felspar dan piroksen relatif membesar ke arah endapan sedimen gisik pasir, tanggul gisik dan sedimen sungai dengan persentase tertinggi, masing-masing mencapai 49 %, 21 % dan 13 %. Sedangkan distribusi limonit dan zirkon membesar ke arah endapan sedimen gisik pasir dengan persentase tertinggi, masing-masing mencapai 5 % dan 2 %. Persentase tertinggi magnetit 17 %, ilmenit 23 %, apatit 3 %, fragmen batuan 51% dan pecahan cangkang 90 % umumnya terdapat dalam endapan sedimen permukaan dasar laut. Keterdapatan mineral utama dan tambahan ini diduga bersumber dari Batuan Gunungapi andesiti-basaltik, dan Formasi Batuan Sedimen berbahan volkanik. Sedangkan klastika biogeniknya bersumber dari batugamping terumbu. Hasil analisis petrogafi menunjukan bahwa fragmen batuannya memiliki kesesuaian dengan penyusun litologinya.
Kata Kunci : Kandungan mineral, distribusi mineral, sumber batuan, Perairan Binuangeun.
Data and information mineral resources related to rock forming mineral on shore and offshore area is still limited. For the existence of mineral resources is then to identify the content of the sediment as the object study in order to determine the type, percentage, distribution and estimation of rocks origin. The method includes sedimentary sampler, pan concentrates separation, grain mineragraphy analysis, and petrography rock. The mineral in the sediment consist of quartz, magnetite, amphibole, ilmenite, feldspar, glauconite, apatite, pyroxene, limonite, zircon, rock fragments and shell fragments. The minerals fractions are dominant in very fine sand and coarse silt. Laterally, the distribution of quartz, feldspar and pyroxene relatively increasing towards sand beach, berm and river sediments with the highest percentage, respectively reach 49 %, 21 % and 13 %. While, distribution of limonite and zircon are increasing toward sand beach with the highest percentage, respectively 5 % and 2 %. The highest percentage of magnetite (17 %), ilmenite (23 %), apatite (3 %), and rock fragments (51 %) and shell fragments of surfacially sediments (90 %). The occurrence of these main and accessory minerals is thought to be originated from andesitic-basaltic volcanic rocks and from volcanoclastic sediments whereas bioclastic sediments are from reefs limestone. The petrography analysis shows that their rock fragments are compatible with their rocks forming minerals.
Keywords: The minerals content, mineral distribution, source rocks, and Binuangeun Waters.
Kata Kunci : Kandungan mineral, distribusi mineral, sumber batuan, Perairan Binuangeun.
Data and information mineral resources related to rock forming mineral on shore and offshore area is still limited. For the existence of mineral resources is then to identify the content of the sediment as the object study in order to determine the type, percentage, distribution and estimation of rocks origin. The method includes sedimentary sampler, pan concentrates separation, grain mineragraphy analysis, and petrography rock. The mineral in the sediment consist of quartz, magnetite, amphibole, ilmenite, feldspar, glauconite, apatite, pyroxene, limonite, zircon, rock fragments and shell fragments. The minerals fractions are dominant in very fine sand and coarse silt. Laterally, the distribution of quartz, feldspar and pyroxene relatively increasing towards sand beach, berm and river sediments with the highest percentage, respectively reach 49 %, 21 % and 13 %. While, distribution of limonite and zircon are increasing toward sand beach with the highest percentage, respectively 5 % and 2 %. The highest percentage of magnetite (17 %), ilmenite (23 %), apatite (3 %), and rock fragments (51 %) and shell fragments of surfacially sediments (90 %). The occurrence of these main and accessory minerals is thought to be originated from andesitic-basaltic volcanic rocks and from volcanoclastic sediments whereas bioclastic sediments are from reefs limestone. The petrography analysis shows that their rock fragments are compatible with their rocks forming minerals.
Keywords: The minerals content, mineral distribution, source rocks, and Binuangeun Waters.
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32693/jgk.12.2.2014.248