Lokasi penelitian terletak di busur belakang perairan timurlaut pulau Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Di daerah ini terdapat gunung api Komba (Batutara) yang masih aktif yang letaknya agak ke utara dari jajaran gunung api aktif yang berada di sepanjang pulau-pulau Jawa, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Pantar dan lainnya. Ke arah tenggara dari gunung api Komba ini ditemukan beberapa gunung bawahlaut. Gunung bawahlaut tersebut adalah Baruna, Abang dan Ibu Komba. Gunung bawah laut ini telah dipetakan dengan batimetri multibeam mulai dari tahun 2003 hingga tahun 2013 dan pada tahun 2010 dilengkapi dengan seismik refleksi. Berdasarkan kerangka tektonik, gunung bawah laut ini terletak di cekungan busur belakang dan sekitar 200 sampai 300 km dalamnya dari bidang penunjaman. Munculnya gunung bawah laut ini diduga disebabkan oleh sistim sesar yang dalam yang berarah barat laut – tenggara. Data seismik juga mengindikasikan bahwa gunung bawah laut tersebut terpotong oleh sesar yang lebih muda yang berarah timurlaut-baratdaya. Akibat dari sesar yang berarah barat daya – timur laut ini juga merubah arah dari sesar naik busur belakang yang umumnya berarah barat-timur.
Kata Kunci : gunung bawah laut Baruna, Abang dan Ibu Komba, cekungan busur belakang, sesar-sesar dalam, Flores timur laut Nusa Tenggara Timur.
The study area is located on the back arc basin of northeast Flores island, East Nusa Tenggara. The area that is an active volcano of Batutara (Komba) situated. The Komba volcano is located far to the north of normal volcanoes belt of Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Pantar, and others. To southeast of the Komba volcano, we found three submarine ridges. They are Baruna, Abang and Ibu Komba. These submarine ridges were mapped by multi beam bathymetry since 2003 and 2013 and at 2010 was completed by single and multi channel seismic reflection. According to their tectonic setting these ridges belong to the back arc basin and they are about 200 – 300 km depth of to the subduction slab. We interpret from the data of seismic reflection, these ridges are formed by a deeply NW-SE fault. Data from the seismic profiles also indicate that all the submarine ridges are cut by younger SW-NE faults. Inconsequently, the NE-SW faults have changed the direction of back arc thrusts those are normally E-W in direction.
Keywords : Baruna, Abang and Ibu Komba submarine ridge, back arc basin, deep faults, North East Flores
Kata Kunci : gunung bawah laut Baruna, Abang dan Ibu Komba, cekungan busur belakang, sesar-sesar dalam, Flores timur laut Nusa Tenggara Timur.
The study area is located on the back arc basin of northeast Flores island, East Nusa Tenggara. The area that is an active volcano of Batutara (Komba) situated. The Komba volcano is located far to the north of normal volcanoes belt of Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Pantar, and others. To southeast of the Komba volcano, we found three submarine ridges. They are Baruna, Abang and Ibu Komba. These submarine ridges were mapped by multi beam bathymetry since 2003 and 2013 and at 2010 was completed by single and multi channel seismic reflection. According to their tectonic setting these ridges belong to the back arc basin and they are about 200 – 300 km depth of to the subduction slab. We interpret from the data of seismic reflection, these ridges are formed by a deeply NW-SE fault. Data from the seismic profiles also indicate that all the submarine ridges are cut by younger SW-NE faults. Inconsequently, the NE-SW faults have changed the direction of back arc thrusts those are normally E-W in direction.
Keywords : Baruna, Abang and Ibu Komba submarine ridge, back arc basin, deep faults, North East Flores
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