Karakteristika pantai di daerah penelitian terdiri atas pantai bertebing dan pantai landai. Pantai landai dicirikan oleh morfologi datar berupa pasir lepas, sedangkan pantai bertebing dicirikan oleh morfologi bergelombang disusun oleh batuan keras yang masif, seperi batuan intrusif, batupasir dan konglomerat. Data bor yang diperoleh dari 10 lokasi di sepanjang pantai Bayah, menunjukkan bahwa bagian atas merupakan sedimen lanau-pasirsedang dengan ketebalan antara 50 cm sampai 110 cm, sedangkan sedimen pasir kasar terdapat di bagian bawah dengan ketebalan antara 120 cm sampai 210 cm.
Kata Kunci: Karakteristika pantai, sedimen, Bayah, Banten
Coastal characteristics in the study area consists of the cliff and gentle coasts. The gentle coasts are characterized by flat morphology and placer sand sediments. While the cliff coasts are characterized by an undulated morphology composed by massive hard rocks.
Drilled data from 10 locations along Bayah coastal area, indicate that the upper part consists of silt-sand sediments with 50-110 cm in thickness, while coarse sand sediment found at the bottom part with 120-210 cm in thickness.
Keyword: coastal characteristics, sediment, Bayah, Banten
Kata Kunci: Karakteristika pantai, sedimen, Bayah, Banten
Coastal characteristics in the study area consists of the cliff and gentle coasts. The gentle coasts are characterized by flat morphology and placer sand sediments. While the cliff coasts are characterized by an undulated morphology composed by massive hard rocks.
Drilled data from 10 locations along Bayah coastal area, indicate that the upper part consists of silt-sand sediments with 50-110 cm in thickness, while coarse sand sediment found at the bottom part with 120-210 cm in thickness.
Keyword: coastal characteristics, sediment, Bayah, Banten
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32693/jgk.10.3.2012.223