Keberadaan fasilitas infrastruktur pipa migas bawah laut di perairan utara Banten berkembang cukup pesat seiring dengan berkembangnya kegiatan industri yang berada di kawasan Propinsi Banten, DKI Jakarta dan Jawa Barat. Mengingat kondisi lingkungan di sekitar perairan utara Banten cukup komplek, seperti adanya jalur sesar/patahan, seismisitas kegempaan yang cukup aktif, morfologi dasar laut yang tidak rata, keberadaan jaringan kabel bawah laut, kondisi hidrooseanografi yang cukup dinamis, kegiatan pelayaran yang sangat padat dan adanya kegiatan nelayan, menyebabkan potensi resiko untuk terjadinya kegagalan struktur pada jaringan pipa yang digelar di perairan utara Banten cukup besar. Potensi resiko lainnya adalah terkait dengan penggelaran pipa yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan standar dan aturan perundangan yang berlaku. Pipa-pipa ini perlu ditertibkan karena posisi pipa-pipa ini sangat rawan untuk terjadinya kegagalan struktur. Beberapa potensi kegagalan struktur pada pipa migas bawah laut di perairan ini yang mungkin terjadi diantaranya adalah pipa tertimpa jangkar kapal, terseret jangkar kapal, terjadi bentang bebas (freespan), kegagalan akibat lelah (patigue) terjadi pembengkokan (buckling) dan terjadi pergeseran posisi pipa baik lateral maupun vertikal. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukannya pengawasan terhadap keberadaan pipa migas bawah laut ini yang sesuai dengan aturan standar dan aturan perundangan yang berlaku.
Kata kunci : jaringan, pipa, infrastruktur, aturan, penggelaran
The existence of gas pipeline on the sea bottom in the waters north of Banten has been developped rapidly in the course of the development activities located in the Provinces of Banten, Jakarta and West Java. The environmental conditions in waters arround the northen Jakarta are quite complex, such as the presence of fault zone, active seismicity, the morphology of the seabed is not flat, existence of submarine cable network, hydro-oceanography dynamic, highly dense shipping activity and the presence of fishing activity. These will cause the high potential risk for the occurence of structural failure in the pipeline that was held in the waters north of Banten. Another potential risk is associated with the pipeline deployment that is not in accordance with standard rules and regulations. These pipes need to be organized the right position because they are very prone to the structural failure. Some of the potential failure of the structure on oil and gas pipelines under the sea that may occur include crushed pipe anchor, dragged anchors, free spans, failure due to fatique occurred by bending and shifting in the position of the pipes either laterally or vertically. Therefore it is necessary for controlling the existence of oil and gas pipelines under the sea in accordance with standard rules and regulations.
Keywords: networks, pipelines, infrastructure, rules, deploying
Kata kunci : jaringan, pipa, infrastruktur, aturan, penggelaran
The existence of gas pipeline on the sea bottom in the waters north of Banten has been developped rapidly in the course of the development activities located in the Provinces of Banten, Jakarta and West Java. The environmental conditions in waters arround the northen Jakarta are quite complex, such as the presence of fault zone, active seismicity, the morphology of the seabed is not flat, existence of submarine cable network, hydro-oceanography dynamic, highly dense shipping activity and the presence of fishing activity. These will cause the high potential risk for the occurence of structural failure in the pipeline that was held in the waters north of Banten. Another potential risk is associated with the pipeline deployment that is not in accordance with standard rules and regulations. These pipes need to be organized the right position because they are very prone to the structural failure. Some of the potential failure of the structure on oil and gas pipelines under the sea that may occur include crushed pipe anchor, dragged anchors, free spans, failure due to fatique occurred by bending and shifting in the position of the pipes either laterally or vertically. Therefore it is necessary for controlling the existence of oil and gas pipelines under the sea in accordance with standard rules and regulations.
Keywords: networks, pipelines, infrastructure, rules, deploying
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32693/jgk.9.2.2011.202