Nyoman Astawa, Hananto Kurnio, Lukman Arifin


Penafsiran data rekaman strata box dari daerah penelitian menunjukkan 2 (dua) runtunan akustik yaitu runtunan A, dan runtunan B. Kontak antara runtunan A dengan B berupa kontak toplap atau pepat erosi. Runtunan B adalah runtunan termuda yang proses pengendapannya masih berlangsung sampai sekarang.
Dalam rekaman strata box banyak ditemukan pantulan dalam bersifat keruh di dalam kolom air. Hal tersebut diperkirakan berupa gambaran reflektor sediment cloud (awan sedimen). Munculnya sediment cloud diperkirakan ada kaitannya dengan aktivitas gunung api yang ada di daerah penelitian (Gunung Karang). Sediment cloud terjadi akibat adanya tekanan fluida yang berasal dari bawah permukaan dasar laut, yang menerobos ke permukaan dasar laut, disertai dengan muatan material sedimen. Sebaran sediment cloud di daerah penelitian cukup luas, sehingga sangat menarik untuk diteliti lebih lanjut.

Kata kunci : Rekaman strata box, penafsiran, sediment cloud, gunung api.

Strata box records interpretation from the study area indicate two sequences, those are sequence A and sequence B. Sequence A is separated from sequence B by toplap contact. Sequence B is the youngest sequence in the study area is which its deposition still active until now.
In the strata box records the chaotic reflection features are found in its water column. These features are assumed as sediment clouds. The appearance of these clouds in the study area is possibly related to volcano activities (Karang Volcano). This phenomenon is occurred due to fluid pressure derived from sub-seabottom, followed by sediment material blow out. The sediment clouds are widely distributed, thus it is interesting to be further studied.

Key words : Strata box records, interpretation, sediment cloud, volcano.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32693/jgk.9.1.2011.196