Daratan Sunda sebagai kerak benua Erasia yang terdiri dari gabungan pulau-pulau Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Jawa, biasa disebut Paparan Sunda, yang diperkirakan terjadi pada waktu zaman Es. Dalam zaman es tersebut aktifitas sungai mendominasi, mengalir dan mengerosi batuan serta mengendapkan sedimen beserta mineral ikutannya di bagian yang lebih dalam. Pada waktu es mencair, daratan Sunda mulai tenggelam dan terjadilah laut Jawa yang memisahkan pulau Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Jawa. Sungai-sungai yang dulunya mengalir dan memanjang di antara pulau-pulau tersebut sekarang berada di bawah laut Jawa dan lainnya.
Beberapa mineral berat ditemukan di perairan dan pantai pulau Batam, Bintan dan sekitarnya, seperti: magnetit, kasiterit, zirkon, monasit, hornblenda, turmalin, pirit, ilmenit, hematit, leokosen, augit, dan diopsid. Terdapatnya kandungan mineral magnetit dan kasiterit yang tinggi di tengah-tengah selat Batam-Bintan menunjukkan bahwa sumber mineral tersebut diduga dari sedimen P. Batam dan P. Bintan bukan dari tempat yang jauh.
Kandungan mineral magnetit dan kasiterit dalam sedimen pasir kerikilan tersebar dari pulau Batam ke timur kandungan mineral beratnya semakin rendah sehingga sumbernya diduga berasal dari Pulau Batam, sedangkan dalam sedimen kerikil pasiran (dekat pulau Batam) penyebarannya semakin ke timur semakin besar, maka sumbernya diduga berasal dari P. Bintan. Ke dua pulau ini merupakan tinggian di daratan Sunda pada waktu itu yang terbentuk oleh batuan terobosan Granit yang mengalami erosi sejak zaman es hingga saat ini dan sebagai sumber terdapatnya mineral kasiterit dan magnetit.
Sunda Land of the Eurasian continental crust is composed of reunited islands of Sumatera, Java, and Kalimantan, usually called as Sunda Platform, which was formed in the glacial time. In that time, all rivers activities were dominated to flow, eroded and deposited the sediment included their placer deposits into the deeper part. In the interglacial time, the Sunda land was changed into seawater and separated the island of Sumatera, Kalimantan and Java. All early rivers which were flowed and elongated is now located under the Java sea.
Some heavy minerals are found on the beach or in surfacial sediments of Batam, Bintan and its surroundings, such as: magnetite, cassiterite, zircon, monazite, tourmaline, pyrite, ilmenite, leucosen, augite and diopside. The high contents of magnetite and cassiterite minerals on the bay of Batam-Bintan show their occurences are not from far distance but they are from Batam and Bintan sediments.
The magnetite and cassiterite contents in gravelly sands of Batam Island from west to east are decreasing in their distribution. They are interpreted come from the Batam Island. On the other hand, these minerals distribute to the east are increasing in sandy gravels and they are seemly from Bintan Island. These two islands were acts as platform of granitic intrusions and were eroded since the glacial-interglacial time and they were as the origin of cassiterite and magnetite minerals.
Beberapa mineral berat ditemukan di perairan dan pantai pulau Batam, Bintan dan sekitarnya, seperti: magnetit, kasiterit, zirkon, monasit, hornblenda, turmalin, pirit, ilmenit, hematit, leokosen, augit, dan diopsid. Terdapatnya kandungan mineral magnetit dan kasiterit yang tinggi di tengah-tengah selat Batam-Bintan menunjukkan bahwa sumber mineral tersebut diduga dari sedimen P. Batam dan P. Bintan bukan dari tempat yang jauh.
Kandungan mineral magnetit dan kasiterit dalam sedimen pasir kerikilan tersebar dari pulau Batam ke timur kandungan mineral beratnya semakin rendah sehingga sumbernya diduga berasal dari Pulau Batam, sedangkan dalam sedimen kerikil pasiran (dekat pulau Batam) penyebarannya semakin ke timur semakin besar, maka sumbernya diduga berasal dari P. Bintan. Ke dua pulau ini merupakan tinggian di daratan Sunda pada waktu itu yang terbentuk oleh batuan terobosan Granit yang mengalami erosi sejak zaman es hingga saat ini dan sebagai sumber terdapatnya mineral kasiterit dan magnetit.
Sunda Land of the Eurasian continental crust is composed of reunited islands of Sumatera, Java, and Kalimantan, usually called as Sunda Platform, which was formed in the glacial time. In that time, all rivers activities were dominated to flow, eroded and deposited the sediment included their placer deposits into the deeper part. In the interglacial time, the Sunda land was changed into seawater and separated the island of Sumatera, Kalimantan and Java. All early rivers which were flowed and elongated is now located under the Java sea.
Some heavy minerals are found on the beach or in surfacial sediments of Batam, Bintan and its surroundings, such as: magnetite, cassiterite, zircon, monazite, tourmaline, pyrite, ilmenite, leucosen, augite and diopside. The high contents of magnetite and cassiterite minerals on the bay of Batam-Bintan show their occurences are not from far distance but they are from Batam and Bintan sediments.
The magnetite and cassiterite contents in gravelly sands of Batam Island from west to east are decreasing in their distribution. They are interpreted come from the Batam Island. On the other hand, these minerals distribute to the east are increasing in sandy gravels and they are seemly from Bintan Island. These two islands were acts as platform of granitic intrusions and were eroded since the glacial-interglacial time and they were as the origin of cassiterite and magnetite minerals.
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