Bulletin of the Marine Geology is a scientific journal of Marine geoscience that is published periodically, twice a year (June and December). The publication identification could be recognized on the ISSN 1410-6175 (print) and e-ISSN: 2527-8843 (on-line) twice a year (June & December) and it has been accredited by Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (Indonesian Institute of Sciences) by Decree Number: 818/E/2015.
As an open access journal, thus all content are freely available without any charge to the user. Users are allowed to download, and distribute the full texts of the articles without permission from the publisher.
We invite every researcher to publish their work result in an article, and please submit your article here or go to login section.
As an open access journal, thus all content are freely available without any charge to the user. Users are allowed to download, and distribute the full texts of the articles without permission from the publisher.
We invite every researcher to publish their work result in an article, and please submit your article here or go to login section.
Vol 39, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Ramadhana Wibowo, Imam Setiadi, Yulinar Firdaus, Riza Rahardiawan
Gandhi Napitupulu, Rizqi Ayu Farihah, Henry Munandar Manik, Oktavira Dwi Demia Larasati, Moses Napitupulu, Lamona Irmudyawati Bernawis, Ivonne Milichristi Radjawane, Edi Kusmanto
Firda Aulya Nisa, Lia Jurnaliah, Winantris Winantris, Kuntadi Nugrahanto
Oktavira Dwi Demia Larasati, Marfasran Hendrizan, Rima Rachmayani, Gandhi Napitupulu
Moehammad Ali Jambak, Deny Deny, Rendy Rendy, Dewi Syavitri