Kata Kunci : arus laut, energi baru terbarukan, Selat Lombok, INSTANT West Mooring.
Lombok Strait is one of seawater mass outlet, flowing from the Pacific Ocean toward the Indian Ocean called as Indonesian Through Flow (ITF). It is proven by long period of harmonic components influenced by sun (SA, SSA) and moon (MSF). The result of mooring record for 1.5 years, this strait has average speed of the harmonic ocean current is 0.25219 m/s at 100 meters water depth. Ocean current is one of renewable energy that can be used for generating power electric. Ocean currents processed by using T-tide matlab toolbox 1.3 beta to identified the harmonic and non harmonic currents. Based on first scenario of the computer conversion, by using a Helix turbine LC 500 and produce an electricity energy about 3.56 KW (harmonic), and 1.86 KW (non harmonic) ocean currents, with the maximum current speed at the 146.31 meters water depth. The average of current speed average found at 178.31 meters water depth, and it produces a power of 92.17 W (non harmonic). The current speed averages from the harmonic condition is found at 162.31 meters water depth, which can produce a power about 32.943 W.
Keyword : ocean currents, potential renewable energy, Lombok Strait, INSTANT West Mooring.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32693/jgk.14.2.2016.357