Kata kunci: struktur komunitas, foraminifera bentonik, terumbu karang, Morotai
Morotai Island, North Molucca is one of islands that is located in the Coral triangle region as the global centre of marine biodiversity. The health of this coral ecosystem could be monitored by using benthonic foraminferal composition. The purpose of this study are re recognized community structure of benthic foraminifera related to water quality off southwest Morotai, Island. This study used six marine sediments samples with three times of replication that collected from 16 -36 m water depth. The result shows that there are 28 spesies of benthonic foraminifera characterized by occurences of Amphistegina and Operculina abundantly. Amphistegina radiata is a highest density species that is found in the near shore station. The diversity index is between 1,49 and 2,31 as moderate diversity; evenness index generally is more than 0,6 that indicates stable environment. FORAM index (FI) is more than 4 (6,32 to 9,16) that shows of condusif environmental condition for reef growth.
Keywords: community structure, benthonic foraminifera, coral reef, Morotai
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