Catur Purwanto, Purnomo Raharjo


Pulau Miangas merupakan salah satu pulau terluar Indonesia yang berbatasan dengan Filipina. Pulau ini termasuk dalam wilayah Check Point Border Crossing Agreement. Berdasarkan pengamatan lapangan hampir seluruh bagian Pulau Miangas mengalami proses abrasi cukup kuat. Posisi pulau ini berada di laut lepas tanpa ada penghalang baik berupa pulau atau gosong, yang berfungsi sebagai penahan gelombang. Pulau ini dapat berdiri kokoh karena batuan dasarnya mempunyai tingkat resistensi tinggi seperti batuan Gunungapi Miangas yang ditindih secara tidak selaras oleh batugamping koral. Di beberapa bagian pantai rawan terhadap abrasi. Untuk mengurangi akibat abrasi diusulkan dibangun pelindung pantai. Kedalaman air di sekitar pulau ini antara 5 m – 110 m. Laut terdalam terdapat di bagian baratdaya yang berjarak 500 m dari garis pantai. Terdapat tiga jenis pantai di Pulau Miangas yaitu pantai berpasir, berbatu, dan bertebing terjal.

Kata Kunci: Kesepakatan titik batas, geografis, abrasi, resistensi, Pulau Miangas

Miangas island is one of the outermost islands of Indonesia wich is bordering with Philippines. This island is known as area Check Point Border Crossing Agreement. Based on field observations, almost all parts of the island of Miangas undergoes the process of abrasion that occur are strong enough. This island is located on the high seas without any barrier whether it be other islands or the sandbar that serves as the anchoring of the wave. Although the abrasion occurred in the coastal areas but it is still able to stand firm because the rocks are essentially has a high level of resistance such as Miangas volcanic rock which is covered by unconformity coral limestone. Parts of the coast are resistance to abrasion. To reduce the abrasion are proposed to built coastal protection. The depth of the sea floor that measured is between 5 m-110 m. The inner Area is approximately 500 m from the shoreline. There are three types of the beach on the Miangas island such as sandy beaches, rocky, and hilly beach.

Keywords: Check Point Border Crossing Agreement, geographical, abrasion, resistance, Miangas island


Kesepakatan titik batas;geografis;abrasi;resistensi;Pulau Miangas


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