Gas charged sediment dalam rekaman seismik dicirikan oleh tidak adanya gambar pantul dalam (free reflector), karena gas charged sediment merupakan media penyerap energi. Dari hasil penafsiran rekaman seismik dapat dibuat Peta Pola Sebaran Gas Charged sediment di daerah penelitian. Pola sebaran gas charged sediment di daerah penelitian cukup luas yaitu mulai dari Perairan Sukolilo hingga ke muara Kali Porong. Di bagian selatan daerah penelitian (L-12), sebaran gas charged sediment relatif lebih luas jika dibandingkan dengan di bagian utara (L-19).
Kata kunci : seismik, penafsiran, peta pola sebaran gas charged
In the seismic record gas charged is characterized by free reflectors, because the gas charged is an energy absorber media. From the interpretation of the seismic record, the maps of gas charged distribution pattern in the study area can be created. Gas charged distribution pattern in the study area is extend from Sukolilo Waters to the estuary of Porong River. In the soothern part of the study area (L-12), the distribution of gas charged is relatively broader than in the northern part (L-19).
Keywords: seismic, interpretation, map distribution pattern of biogenic gas
Kata kunci : seismik, penafsiran, peta pola sebaran gas charged
In the seismic record gas charged is characterized by free reflectors, because the gas charged is an energy absorber media. From the interpretation of the seismic record, the maps of gas charged distribution pattern in the study area can be created. Gas charged distribution pattern in the study area is extend from Sukolilo Waters to the estuary of Porong River. In the soothern part of the study area (L-12), the distribution of gas charged is relatively broader than in the northern part (L-19).
Keywords: seismic, interpretation, map distribution pattern of biogenic gas
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32693/jgk.9.2.2011.201