Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, abrasi pantai yang terjadi di perairan Teluk Lasolo disebabkan oleh aksi gelombang laut yang menjalar dari laut dalam disebelah timur daerah telitian ke arah perairan teluk. Aktifitas gelombang ini menyebabkan terangkutnya sedimen/batuan dari pantai ke arah laut melalui gerakan arus sejajar pantai dan arus tegak lurus pantai. Sedimen yang terangkut akan terbawa terus ke arah laut dalam oleh pergerakan arus laut yang dominan berarah tenggara. Kondisi ini menyebabkan pantai di sekitar perairan Teluk Lasolo mengalami defisit material/sedimen sehingga pantai mengalami abrasi secara kontinyu. Cara yang paling efektif untuk penanganan abrasi pantai di sekitar perairan Teluk Lasolo adalah dengan cara membuat tipe bangunan penahan pantai yang berbentuk groin sejajar dan disesuaikan dengan kondisi hidrooseanografi, morfologi dasar laut dan garis pantainya.
Kata kunci : abrasi, pantai, arus, gelombang, sedimen
Based on observation result, coastal abration that happened in waters of Teluk Lasolo due to action of sea wave propagating from deep sea in eastside the research area into the waters bay. This wave activity causes transporting of sedimen from coast to the sea by the longshore and rip currents movement.
Transported sedimen will be brought to the deep sea by the movement of dominan south-eastern. This condition causes coastal waters around Teluk Lasolo of deficit sedimen will affected the coastal abration in continue. The most effective way to handle coastal abration around territorial waters of Teluk Lasolo is build the breakwater in form of parallel groin and according to the hydrooceanography, morphology of sea floor and coastline conditions.
Keyword : abration, coastal, current, wave, sediment
Kata kunci : abrasi, pantai, arus, gelombang, sedimen
Based on observation result, coastal abration that happened in waters of Teluk Lasolo due to action of sea wave propagating from deep sea in eastside the research area into the waters bay. This wave activity causes transporting of sedimen from coast to the sea by the longshore and rip currents movement.
Transported sedimen will be brought to the deep sea by the movement of dominan south-eastern. This condition causes coastal waters around Teluk Lasolo of deficit sedimen will affected the coastal abration in continue. The most effective way to handle coastal abration around territorial waters of Teluk Lasolo is build the breakwater in form of parallel groin and according to the hydrooceanography, morphology of sea floor and coastline conditions.
Keyword : abration, coastal, current, wave, sediment
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