Lokasi daerah studi Indramayu secara geografis terletak di pesisir utara Pulau Jawa dan termasuk pantai terbuka terhadap pengaruh energi gelombang dari arah barat laut, utara dan timur laut.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis perubahan garis pantai dari analisis parameter oseanografi yang dibangkitkan oleh komponen angin permukaan. Pendekatan secara empirik terhadap perubahan garis pantai dari parameter oseanografi, menunjukkan telah terjadi proses erosi dan sedimentasi di pantai Indramayu dan sekitarnya. Daerah abrasi meliputi kawasan bagian tenggara dan barat laut pantai Indramayu. Pergerakan arus sepanjang pantainya disertai oleh pengendapan sedimen (Q) berarah barat laut. Nilai Q pada zona Z-3 lebih besar dari pada di zona Z-1 dan Z-2 dengan jumlah nisbi pasokan sedimen cenderung bergerak ke arah barat laut.
Daerah pesisir kawasan Delta Cimanuk diperkirakan akan menjadi zona akumulasi sedimen sepanjang tahun. Sementara proses erosi di bagian tenggara Indramayu tetap berkembang dan berlangsung secara musiman.
Kata kunci : Erosi , Indramayu, pasokan sedimen
The study area Indramayu, is geographically located at the northern coast of Jawa, which is an open beach that influenced by wave action from the northwest, north and northeast directions.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the shift of the shore line based on oceanographic parametric analysis made by surface wind component. An empiric approach to the coastal line change conduct oceanographic parameters shows that erosion and sedimentation have occured along the coastal area of Indramayu and its surounding. The eroded area encompasses the northeastern and northwestern coasts of Indramayu. Its longshore current is follow by sediment (Q) supplies that tend to be deposited in the northwest area. The value of Q in the Z-3 zone is larger than Z-1 and Z-2 zones, as relative amount of sediment supplies tend to move northwest.
The coastal area of Delta Cimanuk is estimated to be zone of sediment accumulation along the year, while the erosion process in southeast part of Indramayu spreads and occurs seasonally.
Keywords : Erosion, Indramayu, sediment supply
Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis perubahan garis pantai dari analisis parameter oseanografi yang dibangkitkan oleh komponen angin permukaan. Pendekatan secara empirik terhadap perubahan garis pantai dari parameter oseanografi, menunjukkan telah terjadi proses erosi dan sedimentasi di pantai Indramayu dan sekitarnya. Daerah abrasi meliputi kawasan bagian tenggara dan barat laut pantai Indramayu. Pergerakan arus sepanjang pantainya disertai oleh pengendapan sedimen (Q) berarah barat laut. Nilai Q pada zona Z-3 lebih besar dari pada di zona Z-1 dan Z-2 dengan jumlah nisbi pasokan sedimen cenderung bergerak ke arah barat laut.
Daerah pesisir kawasan Delta Cimanuk diperkirakan akan menjadi zona akumulasi sedimen sepanjang tahun. Sementara proses erosi di bagian tenggara Indramayu tetap berkembang dan berlangsung secara musiman.
Kata kunci : Erosi , Indramayu, pasokan sedimen
The study area Indramayu, is geographically located at the northern coast of Jawa, which is an open beach that influenced by wave action from the northwest, north and northeast directions.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the shift of the shore line based on oceanographic parametric analysis made by surface wind component. An empiric approach to the coastal line change conduct oceanographic parameters shows that erosion and sedimentation have occured along the coastal area of Indramayu and its surounding. The eroded area encompasses the northeastern and northwestern coasts of Indramayu. Its longshore current is follow by sediment (Q) supplies that tend to be deposited in the northwest area. The value of Q in the Z-3 zone is larger than Z-1 and Z-2 zones, as relative amount of sediment supplies tend to move northwest.
The coastal area of Delta Cimanuk is estimated to be zone of sediment accumulation along the year, while the erosion process in southeast part of Indramayu spreads and occurs seasonally.
Keywords : Erosion, Indramayu, sediment supply
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