Melalui teori medan dalam metoda magnetik dan gaya berat, ambiguitas yang muncul merupakan suatu faktor yang menyulitkan dalam penerapan kedua metoda ini. Terlebih pada penerapan metoda magnetik yang memiliki efek polaritas positif dan negatif. Beberapa teknik dan metoda telah diterapkan dalam melakukan analisis dan pengolahan data anomali magnet untuk mengatasi masalah ambigutas ini dengan tujuan mempermudah dalam melakukan interpretasi. Salah satu metodanya yaitu transformasi data anomali magnet ke dalam data pseudo-gravity. Metoda ini akan diterapkan dalam analisis dan pengolahan data anomali magnet di sekitar Tinggian Asahan dalam hal ini untuk menganalisis kelurusan dan patahan yang muncul di area ini. Hasil transformasi akan dibandingkan dengan data skunder berupa ketebalan sedimen dan patahan di area yang sama. Hasil penerapan metoda ini memperlihatkan adanya indikasi kelurusan ataupun patahan muncul, yang tidak terlihat jelas pada data aslinya yaitu anomali magnet.
Kata Kunci : Transformasi, Pseudo-Gravity, Tinggian Asahan.
Through potential field theory in magnetic and gravity methods, ambiguity that presented is the difficult factor in the application of both methods. Moreover the application of magnetic method which involve the effect of positive and negative polarity are more complicated. Some techniques and methods have been used to overcome problem of ambiguity in order to make easier interpretation. One of the techniques is the transformation from anomaly magnetic to pseudo-gravity data. This method will be used within analysis and processing anomaly magnetic data at Asahan Arch to analyze lineaments and faults that appear in this area. Transformation result will be compared with another data which is secondary data about sediment thickness and fault at the same area. This technique shows that indication of fault more clearly than the original data or anomaly magnetic data.
Key Words: Transformation, Pseudo-Gravity, Asahan High.
Kata Kunci : Transformasi, Pseudo-Gravity, Tinggian Asahan.
Through potential field theory in magnetic and gravity methods, ambiguity that presented is the difficult factor in the application of both methods. Moreover the application of magnetic method which involve the effect of positive and negative polarity are more complicated. Some techniques and methods have been used to overcome problem of ambiguity in order to make easier interpretation. One of the techniques is the transformation from anomaly magnetic to pseudo-gravity data. This method will be used within analysis and processing anomaly magnetic data at Asahan Arch to analyze lineaments and faults that appear in this area. Transformation result will be compared with another data which is secondary data about sediment thickness and fault at the same area. This technique shows that indication of fault more clearly than the original data or anomaly magnetic data.
Key Words: Transformation, Pseudo-Gravity, Asahan High.
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