Sedimen permukaan dasar laut di daerah penyelidikan lebih dari 95 % terdiri atas material sedimen klastik hasil rombakan dari batuan di daratan (terrigenous sediment). Berdasarkan teksturnya, sedimen daerah telitian dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 jenis : pasir lanaun, pasir, lanau pasiran, dan pasir sedikit kerikilan. Secara lateral, pasir lanauan merupakan sedimen yang paling luas sebarannya. Berdasarkan ukuran butirannya, komposisi sedimen di daerah telitian didominasi oleh ukuran pasir halus, pasir sangat halus dan lanau. Di blok timur, kadar emas dalam sedimen berkisar antara 0,1 – 0,54 ppm, namun umumnya < 0,3 ppm. Kadar perak berkisar antara 5,62 -30,85 ppm, umumnya < 15 ppm. Di blok barat, kadar emas berkisar antara 0,11 – 0,57 ppm, namun umumnya >0,3 ppm. Kadar perak antara 7,43 – 28,35 ppm, namun umumnya > 15 ppm. Emas dan perak dalam sedimen terutama diperkirakan berasal dari mineralisasi primer yang terdapat di daerah hulu S. Cimadur dan daerah hulu S. Cihara.
Kata Kunci : Emas, perak, sedimen, Bayah & Cihara.
Submarine surficial sediments of the investigated area consist of more than 95 % land derived sediments. Based on textural classification the sediments are divided into 4 units: silty sand, sand, sandy slit and slightly gravelly sand. Laterally silty sand are the widest distribution. Based on grain size analyses, the composition of the sediment consists of fine sand, very fine sand and silt grain sizes. The Gold (Au) content within the sediment of the east block area ranges beetwen 0,1 – 0,54 ppm, but generally less than 0.3 ppm. The Silver (Ag) content ranges between 5,62 - 30,85 ppm, but generally less than 15 ppm. In west block area, Au content within sediment ranges between 0,11 – 0,57 ppm, but generally > 0,3 ppm. The Ag content ranges between 7,43 – 28,35 ppm, but generally > 15 ppm. The occurrence of Au and Ag within sediments of the investigation area are mainly estimated from primary gold mineralization areas which are located in upstream areas of Cimadur and Cihara Rivers.
Keyword : Gold, silver, sedimen, Bayah & Cihara
Kata Kunci : Emas, perak, sedimen, Bayah & Cihara.
Submarine surficial sediments of the investigated area consist of more than 95 % land derived sediments. Based on textural classification the sediments are divided into 4 units: silty sand, sand, sandy slit and slightly gravelly sand. Laterally silty sand are the widest distribution. Based on grain size analyses, the composition of the sediment consists of fine sand, very fine sand and silt grain sizes. The Gold (Au) content within the sediment of the east block area ranges beetwen 0,1 – 0,54 ppm, but generally less than 0.3 ppm. The Silver (Ag) content ranges between 5,62 - 30,85 ppm, but generally less than 15 ppm. In west block area, Au content within sediment ranges between 0,11 – 0,57 ppm, but generally > 0,3 ppm. The Ag content ranges between 7,43 – 28,35 ppm, but generally > 15 ppm. The occurrence of Au and Ag within sediments of the investigation area are mainly estimated from primary gold mineralization areas which are located in upstream areas of Cimadur and Cihara Rivers.
Keyword : Gold, silver, sedimen, Bayah & Cihara
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