Penafsiran data citra satelit yang ditunjang dengan data geologi sekunder, menunjukan bahwa Semenanjung Muria telah mengalami minimal dua rejim tektonik yaitu peregangan (rifting/extension) dan tektonik tekanan (inverse/compression). Keberadaan gunungapi Muria saat ini menunjukan pernah terjadi interaksi yang komplek antara rejim tekanan dan keberadaan struktur regangan di daerah ini. Proses tektonik tekanan ini mengakibatkan batuan dasar berumur lebih tua mengalami pemampatan yang memungkinkan keluarnya magma melalui bidang sesar yang teraktifkan kembali dan membentuk Komplek Gunungapi Muria.
Kata kunci : struktur patahan,citra satelit, Semenanjung Muria
Satellite imageries data interpretation complemented by secondary geological data, indicate that the Muria Peninsula has been undergone by at least two tectonic regimes, those are rifting/extension and inversion/compression tectonics. At present, the occurrence of Muria volcano indicates there was a complex interaction between compression regime and the occurrence of extensional structures in the area. These tectonic processes implies that the older basement in the study area is accomplished by lithosphere shortening which allows active upwelling of magma through the reactivated fault planes forming a Muria Volcano Complex.
Keyword : fault structures,satellite imageries, Muria Peninsula
Kata kunci : struktur patahan,citra satelit, Semenanjung Muria
Satellite imageries data interpretation complemented by secondary geological data, indicate that the Muria Peninsula has been undergone by at least two tectonic regimes, those are rifting/extension and inversion/compression tectonics. At present, the occurrence of Muria volcano indicates there was a complex interaction between compression regime and the occurrence of extensional structures in the area. These tectonic processes implies that the older basement in the study area is accomplished by lithosphere shortening which allows active upwelling of magma through the reactivated fault planes forming a Muria Volcano Complex.
Keyword : fault structures,satellite imageries, Muria Peninsula
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