Perairan Utara Jawa Timur adalah perairan berenergi rendah yang berkaitan erat dengan akumulasi sedimen berbutir halus. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data granulometri menunjukkan sebagian besar percontohan sedimen diklasifikasikan kedalam lanau. Hasil Analisis “X-ray diffractionâ€, lanau yang secara megaskopis sebagai lempung mengandung mineral lempung jenis Haloysit; ikutannya yaitu kuarsa alfa, kalsit, feldspar, halit dan hematit. Hasil analisis mineral menunjukan haloysit ini mempunyai persentase antara 38,57-55,79 % dengan penyusunnya terlihat dari hasil analisis kimia unsur utama berupa aluminium dalam Al2O3 dan silikon dalam SiO2. Keterdapatan haloysit terbentuk secara mekanik dari pelapukan mineral aluminosilikat, seperti feldspar yang bersumber dari batuan volkanik di bagian barat dan bahan gunungapi di sebelah selatan daerah penelitian.
Kata kunci : Lanau, haloysit, feldspar, perairan Utara Jawa Timur
North East Java waters is a low energy waters in relation to fine grain sediment accumulation. Based on the processing results of granulometry data show the majority sample of sediment classified into silt. Results of X-ray diffraction analysis, silt megascopically described as clay which is consisted of clay mineral of halloysite type; its associations are quartz alpha, calcite, feldspar, halite and hematite. Mineral analyses results show the halloysite has percentage between 38,57 - 55,79 % with composition confirmed from major element chemical analysis which show aluminum content in Al2O3 and silicon in SiO2. The occurrence of halloysite formed through mechanical processes from surface weathering of aluminosilicate minerals, as feldspars which source from volcanic rock in the west part and from volcanic materials in the south side of the investigation area.
Keywords : silt, halloysite, feldspar, Northeast Java waters.
Kata kunci : Lanau, haloysit, feldspar, perairan Utara Jawa Timur
North East Java waters is a low energy waters in relation to fine grain sediment accumulation. Based on the processing results of granulometry data show the majority sample of sediment classified into silt. Results of X-ray diffraction analysis, silt megascopically described as clay which is consisted of clay mineral of halloysite type; its associations are quartz alpha, calcite, feldspar, halite and hematite. Mineral analyses results show the halloysite has percentage between 38,57 - 55,79 % with composition confirmed from major element chemical analysis which show aluminum content in Al2O3 and silicon in SiO2. The occurrence of halloysite formed through mechanical processes from surface weathering of aluminosilicate minerals, as feldspars which source from volcanic rock in the west part and from volcanic materials in the south side of the investigation area.
Keywords : silt, halloysite, feldspar, Northeast Java waters.
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