Hasil studi seismik stratigrafi di perairan Lombok Lembar Peta 1807 menghasilkan empat runtunan stratigrafi A, B, C, D dan intrusi batuan volkanik. Kontak antara runtunan A dengan runtunan B adalah kontak onlap yang terletak di bagian barat laut dan utara daerah telitian. Kontak antara kedua runtunan tersebut di atas dengan runtunan C dibatasi oleh suatu reflektor yang kuat dan menerus, serta sudah mengalami perlipatan seperti terlihat di bagian baratlaut daerah telitian, tepatnya di bagian atas Pulau Bali bagian timur. Pola gambaran pantulan runtunan ini adalah paralel, diduga runtunan ini tidak terpengaruh tektonik yang terjadi di daerah telitian.
Result of seismic stratigraphy study in Lombok Waters Map Sheet 1807 yielded four A, B, C, D and Volcanic rock intrusion. Contact between sequence A and sequence B is onlap, which is located in the northwestern and northerm part of the study area. Contact between both sequences mentioned above with sequence C is limited by strong continous reflector that have also underwent of fold like found in the northwestern part of the study area, precisely in eastern part of Bali. Internal reflector pattern of this sequence is parallel, which is guessed because this sequence this sequence does not influenced by tectonic activity in the study area.
Result of seismic stratigraphy study in Lombok Waters Map Sheet 1807 yielded four A, B, C, D and Volcanic rock intrusion. Contact between sequence A and sequence B is onlap, which is located in the northwestern and northerm part of the study area. Contact between both sequences mentioned above with sequence C is limited by strong continous reflector that have also underwent of fold like found in the northwestern part of the study area, precisely in eastern part of Bali. Internal reflector pattern of this sequence is parallel, which is guessed because this sequence this sequence does not influenced by tectonic activity in the study area.
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