Batuan granit di Pulau Belitung ditemukan di empat daerah berbeda, yaitu Tanjung Pandan di baratlaut, Gunung Mang di timurlaut, Parangbuloh di baratdaya dan Kelumpang di tenggara. Granit Kelumpang adalah salah satu dari jenis granit di daerah telitian. Secara megaskopis, batuan granit di Kelumpang terbentuk oleh mineral-mineral berbutir kasar, berwarna abu-abu-putih dan kaya akan megakristik K-Feldspar
Identifikasi karakteristik granit di daerah penelitian berdasarkan hasil analisa petrografis dan penafsiran seismik pantul dangkal, yang ditunjukkan oleh pola reflektor yang membentuk struktur kerucut yang tidak menerus. Penyebaran dari batuan granit ini dapat dipetakan sepanjang lintasan kapal.
Pada akhirnya, berdasarkan kenampakan megaskopis dan analisa petrografi terlihat bahwa granit di lokasi kegiatan memiliki sifat yang menyerupai granit tipe-I bukan pembawa mineral kasiterit.
The granitic rock is an important rock in economic mineral deposit. In westernpart of Indonesia, the granitic rocks are well known in associated with cassiterite (tin) minerals. Not all of the granitic rocks contain of cassiterite minerals. The biotite-granitic rocks are associated with cassiterite minerals while the hornblende-granitic rocks are not related with cassiterite mineralisation.
The Granitic rock in Belitung Island found in four different areas, those are, in Tanjung Pandan of northwest Belitung, Gunung Mang of northeast of Belitung, Parangbuloh of southwest Belitung, and Kelumpang of southeast Belitung. Granit Kelumpang is one of granitic rocks in the investigated area. It is megascopically formed by coarse-grained, greyish white in color and rich in K-feldspar megacrystic minerals.
Identification of granitic rock in the investigated area characterised by petrographically analysis and seismic reflection interpretation. It has a reflector pattern shown by an uncontinous cone structure. The distribution of granitic rock can be mapped along the ship track as well as the shallow seismic lines.
Finally, the granitic rocks in the investigated area are megascopically and petrographically belong to type I-Granite those are not associated with cassiterite.
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