Arus Lintas Indonesia sering disebut dengan Arlindo, merupakan sirkulasi arus dari Samudera Pasifik menuju Samudera Hindia melalui perairan Indonesia. Sepanjang tahun, Arlindo mengalir dari Samudera Pasifik ke Samudera Hindia, akan tetapi terdapat variabilitas transpor volume. Arlindo dalam perjalanannya masuk ke perairan Indonesia, melalui Selat Makassar. Terdapat fluktuasi Arlindo di Selat Lombok yang mencapai puncaknya pada bulan Juli-Agustus 1985, kemudian berkurang pada akhir bulan Oktober 1985 hingga bulan Januari 1986. Demikian pula hasil pengamatan arus di Selat Makasar dari tahun 1996 hingga tahun 1998, terdapat indikasi arah arus ke utara meskipun tidak signifikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian para ahli oseanografi dan meteorologi, fluktuasi nilai transpor berhubungan dengan interaksi atmosfir dan laut. Hasil simulasi model numerik menunjukkan adanya fluktuasi nilai transpor volume di sekitar Selat Makassar, dengan penurunan nilai transpor volume ke arah selatan di sekitar Selat Makassar pada saat terjadi musim dingin di benua Asia. Nilai transpor relatif kecil pada hasil penelitian, yaitu ke arah selatan sebesar 0,5 hingga 0,7 Sv pada bulan Mei-Juni 1989 dan 0,3 Sv pada bulan Oktober tahun 1997. Nilai transpor maksimum ke arah selatan terjadi pada bulan November 1988 sebesar 14,5 Sv, dan bulan Juni 1997 sebesar 11,8 Sv. Nilai transpor berfluktuasi sesuai dengan fasa yang terjadi di Samudera Pasifik ekuatorial, yaitu fasa El Niño atau La Niña.
Indonesian Through Flow (ITF) is the current circulation of Pacific Ocean water to Indian Ocean through the Indonesian Seas. The ITF flows annualy from Pacific Ocean into Indian Ocean obtains variability in volume transport. During its journey into Indonesia Seas, ITF passes through Makassar Strait, Java Seas, and Lombok Strait. ITF shows fluctuation in Lombok Strait that reaches its peak in July-Agustus 1985, and decreases in late October 1985 to January 1986. Current observation conducted in Makasar Strait between 1996 and 1998, shows a northward current with no significant value. According to recent oceanography and meteorology researches, transport value fluctuation is associated with sea and atmospheric interaction. Numerical model simulation shows fluctuation in volume transport value in Makassar Strait where the volume decreases southward in Makassar Strait during Asian Continental winter. Transport value in Makassar Strait obtained from this research southward are 0,5 to 0,7 Sv in May-June 1989 and 0,3 Sv in October 1997. The research yielded maximum values of southward transport volume occuring in November 1988 is 14,5 Sv, and June 1997 is 11,8 Sv. Fluctuation transport values is in phase with El Niño or La Niña occuring in equatorial Pacific.
Indonesian Through Flow (ITF) is the current circulation of Pacific Ocean water to Indian Ocean through the Indonesian Seas. The ITF flows annualy from Pacific Ocean into Indian Ocean obtains variability in volume transport. During its journey into Indonesia Seas, ITF passes through Makassar Strait, Java Seas, and Lombok Strait. ITF shows fluctuation in Lombok Strait that reaches its peak in July-Agustus 1985, and decreases in late October 1985 to January 1986. Current observation conducted in Makasar Strait between 1996 and 1998, shows a northward current with no significant value. According to recent oceanography and meteorology researches, transport value fluctuation is associated with sea and atmospheric interaction. Numerical model simulation shows fluctuation in volume transport value in Makassar Strait where the volume decreases southward in Makassar Strait during Asian Continental winter. Transport value in Makassar Strait obtained from this research southward are 0,5 to 0,7 Sv in May-June 1989 and 0,3 Sv in October 1997. The research yielded maximum values of southward transport volume occuring in November 1988 is 14,5 Sv, and June 1997 is 11,8 Sv. Fluctuation transport values is in phase with El Niño or La Niña occuring in equatorial Pacific.
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