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Patria, Adi, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Indonesia)
Permana, Asep, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia)
Permana, Haryadi, Research Center for Geotechnology (Indonesia)
Permana, Haryadi, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geoteknologi, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Jl. Cisitu Lama, Bandung (Indonesia)
Permanawati, Yani, Marine Geological Institute
Permanawati, Yani, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia)
Permanawati, Yani, Marine Geological Institute (Indonesia)
Phang, Gaudensia
Piranti, Swasty Aninda, Marine Geological Institute (Indonesia)
Piranti, Swasty Aninda
Piranti, Swasty Aninda, Padjadjaran University (Indonesia)
Polhaupessy, A.A, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia)
Prabowo, F.X. Harkinz Hendro, Marine Geological Institute (Indonesia)
Prabowo, Harkins, BBSPGL
Pranoto, Setyanto C.D., Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia)
Praptisih, Praptisih, Geotechnology Research Centre, Indonesian Institute of Sciences LIPI, Bandung (Indonesia)
Prasetio, Fauzi Budi
Prasetyo, Eko
Prihantono, Joko, Marine Research Centre, Ministry of marine Affairs and Fisheries (Indonesia)
Prihantono, Joko, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia)
Priohandono, Yusuf Adam
Priohandono, Yusuf Adam, Marine Geological Institute of Indonesia, Jl. DR. Junjunan No. 236, Telp. 022 603 2020, 603 2201, Faksimile 022 601 7887, Bandung (Indonesia)
Pujiastuti, Rini, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang (Indonesia)
Purbonegoro, Triyoni, Research Center for Oceanography (Indonesia)
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